7-1-17 Article VI: From ‘Who Is Sovereign’ to Health Care Mandate

Article VI: From ‘Who Is Sovereign’ to Health Care Mandate

I want to pick up this week from last by furthering the discussion on Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. First in this discussion must be the question: “Who is the sovereign and who is ultimate in universal sovereignty?” Then we turn to the Founders’ regarding intent of Article VI, Clause 2

With that the next questions is: “How do treaties apply to the law of the land?” I intend to take in the international agreement mandates for universal health care. How do these treaties and international agreement entanglements affect policy making if neither have been ratified or confirmed? Reference items #7 and #8 below get to the detail of this issue. Don’t Be Fooled in Item #5 about non-binding. That is misleading when you look at Item #6 **** note.

In all of this we have those that are not concerned with the true intent of our Constitutional Republic. One author from the recent past quotes the Athenians that ‘All politics is linked to religion’. What we are seeing is the policies of the religion of humanism and socialism impacting all aspects of our society. With that, I will be hammering it home to your remembrance that “People are Policy” and we need to develop our youth into policy makers with Foundational Principles and Ethics. It is ever so critical to do this. I have to continue to ask you to please help with getting SACPS org into your location and DONATE too.

With that – The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Join me on today’s program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.


And because you keep asking!

References: Radio Program Archives

For today’s program:

  1. Founders Constitutions: Article VI, Clause 2
  2. Founders Constitution: Article VI, Clause: George Mason – Virginia Ratifying Convention
  3. Impartial Examiner No. 1
  4. James Madison to Edmund Pendleton
  5. Six US-Signed Treaties and Declarations Recognizing a Right to Health Care
  6. UN Right to Health Care Fact sheet

****From the UN FACT Sheet: “How does a state express its “consent to be bound”?

A State can express its consent to be bound by a treaty in several ways, as specifically set out in the final clauses of the relevant treaty. The most common ways are: definitive signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, and accession. The terms ratification, acceptance and approval all mean the same thing in international law, particularly when used following “signature subject to….” – The State has agreed to become party and is willing to undertake the legal rights and obligations contained in the treaty upon its entry into force.


  1. 3-18-17 Health Care Not a Right, Anti-federalists Reveal Deep State
  2. Using the Right to Health to Promote Universal Health Coverage: A Better Tool for Protecting Non-Nationals’ Access to Affordable Health Care?

On December 5, 2016 · In –Volume 18, Number 2

  1. Because this is the solution we need to mentor out future leadership and policy makers: SACPS:

Presentations: What will Samuel Adams Center for Political Science (SACPS) do? Watch the presentation link.

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  1. Yes, And even more important as you look at what happened in the Republican held House: At the Samuel Adams Returns web site: “Not All Conservatives Are Constitutionalists”  Or on Amazon: Paperback or the eBook

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