8-19-17 From Kozak to the Pulpits of the Revolution

From Kozak to the Pulpits of the Revolution


What we continue to see this week on the streets, from the political class, intelligentsia and the sophistry media is the Kozak Plan executed (archives about this here). It is absolutely clear that they have every desire to be and do all things against Constitutionalism and the Republic.

Critical in this is the fact that they are moral degenerates as defined by the Pulpits of the Revolution. Sadly, the modern Pulpits and education system have devolved from what #FoundersOriginalIntent is for the nation and the Citizenry. It is clear that morality outside of the Judeo-Christian worldview is not the morality expected by the Founders for self-governance and then governing of We The People.

see more to get the solutions & references and watch the program:

I discuss these problems.

The Solutions:

  1. Each person become intently educated in #FoundersOriginalIntent (the hashtag for Twitter). We must understand what Original Intent ‘IS’ to make positive corrections.
  2. We must look at our own morality and public virtue as I mentioned in the Mid-Week Update and then decide if we have the ‘Fortitude’ to engage effectively by being active and not just complaining on social media or elsewhere
  3. We must challenge our pastoral and congregation leadership to at least read “The Pulpit of the American Revolution” so that they will look at the full extensibility of the Gospel in ‘All’ aspects of life in this Constitutional Republic.

As always, remember: The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Join me on today’s program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.


And because you keep asking!

References: Radio Program Archives

For today’s program:

The primary references are embedded links in the body of the promo

  1. The Balanced view of Government that I show in the video
  2. The Truth about where communism and fascism lie on the scale of right vs left. Second Key chart!
  3. Because this is the solution we need to mentor out future leadership and policy makers: SACPS:

Presentations: What will Samuel Adams Center for Political Science (SACPS) do? Watch the presentation link.

To follow what SACPS is doing and progressing like the page on FaceBook: and watch the web site mature at SACPS.org

  1. Yes, And even more important as you look at what happened in the Republican held House: At the Samuel Adams Returns web site: “Not All Conservatives Are ConstitutionalistsOr on Amazon: Paperback or the eBook

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