9-1-18 Technology Credibility and Business Morality

This is it!  September 1, I am off of Facebook! Some have asked what make me so sanctimonious in criticism of the platform and what do I know about technology? I explain my development in the digital world from building a computer to being an executive developing new companies.

Most importantly we need to have an honest conversation about morality in the Board Room. We have become a nation of ‘mammon seekers’ over Liberty protectors. When technology becomes the et al. to every issue in life and we have new oligarchs consolidating power: then we have some really serious things to consider.

I really would like you to consider this key resource from the Founding era. It is the “Continental Association, 20 October 1774” which details “Non-importation, Non-consumption, and Non-exportation Agreement”. My argument will always be that the only and proper way to impact the techno-oligarchs is by Non-consumption! Think about the sacrifices that the people of the Colonies accepted but even more so think about the explosion of new businesses and industry that came to be by these actions.

With that, remember Proverbs 9:1 – There is nothing new under the sun!

The mirrors of history come to reflective reality here on Samuel Adams Returns.

Oh… on a side note, check out the article on Local Levies that I’ve written at this Blog.

And because you keep asking!


The video of the program is at the SamuelAdamsReturns YouTube channel

1. Witherspoon: Lectures on Moral Philosophy (Society)

2. “Continental Association, 20 October 1774”

NOW – Taking request for the Seminar

Time to contact me to bring the seminar “From Covenant To The Present Constitution” to your community group, church, VFW or Patriot Group! We are developing our fall and spring calendar. Send me an email at: tom@samueladamsreturns.com

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