Tag Archives: making minions

SEL: Stealing Individualism and Making Minions

The SEL StrategyMaking Minions

Today I am joined by Adam Retych who is a researcher in educational policy. He has been focused on SEL: Social and Emotional Learning. First of all, SEL is a critical topic that, once again, is leading the way for the ‘state’ or ‘statism’ to determine the uniformity of social and emotional norms for all. Adam and I discuss what this insidiousness called SEL is. While the definition and standards sound good, the discerning ear can cut to the chase of the destructive influence this system will have in the long run. Adam’s research is extensive in particular to Ohio yet this is certainly impacting over twenty of the States in the nation who have it fully implemented.

Contact me if you would to get more information via Adam. The key references regarding SEL are in the References section below.

Bribed With Your Own Money – Melancton Smith Continued:

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