Tag Archives: Melancton Smith

Episode 358: Enlightenment Toward the National Religion

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There is much written on the Enlightenment and some of you are a greaterEnlightenment polymath than I. Yet, for others, I intend to offer some basic insights to the Enlightenment toward the National Religion here in these United States. The freedom of conscience did originate at the Edict of Milan in 313, where Constantine made all religions legal in the Roman Empire. I will discuss that this gift, Freedom of Conscience, is the bane of this nation since the majority of pulpits have been offered over to the National Religion.

In the first segment I am reviewing last week on ancient world with the comparison to our present pagan government. Through this week I came across a video where Doug Wilson was asked, ‘Were the Greek Gods Real?’ I like the way he gets one thinking about the powers shadowing nations. The bottom line that hits home is that we in reality battle in the spirit realm but one has to be properly equipped. Hoot man…. The majority of Christians do not consider the extensibility of this battle and the ‘why don’t they question’ is for another program.

Considering Melancton Smith

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7-20-19 Vitriol of the Elected & The Kozak Plan

Vitriol of the Elected: 


Omar – Progressive Caucus Whip and member AOC whip up the dialectic Vitriol


Once again we have to consider the vitriol of the elected as nothing new under the sun. In all of human kind since the ‘fall of man’, vitriol reared its ugly head.

In this program I look back at a specific time in our nations early history. Yes, there was a lot of vitriol in a classy manner during the fight to ratify the proposed Constitution of 1787. The worse of it often happened during the Ratifying Conventions in the various States. We shall examine one instance in particular that can be viewed in respect to our modern times.

Progressive Vitriol – The Kozak Plan:

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Planned Pulpit Corruption – Melancton Smith Senate Predictions

Planned Pulpit CorruptionCorrupt the Pulpits

I have been castigated by many pastors for my position regarding Planned Pulpit Corruption. I have heard many sermons over my life as a follower of Jesus. Doing the math it would equates to about 2250 messages from the pulpit if I was able to be in church every Sunday. Yet, I have always wondered why, if the millions of Jesus Followers were living the Gospel in its intended ‘extensible’ manner; society, business, schools and government would not be Christ like? Or why hasn’t the Church been the teachers and keepers of good governance even more like what the Founders of America intended for our Constitutional Republic? In this program, I trace just the very tip of the iceberg here, as a followup from last week, bringing out that the majority of pastors, churches and even individual Christians are co-conspirators in the situation that our Republic has faced and is presently facing as an immoral nation lead by immoral people.

The Present Senate Prediction – Melancton Smith Continued:

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5-12-18 Senate Oligarchy, McConnell and Chao Collusion

Preparing for this program and coming upon the McConnell – Chao collusion set my hair on fire!

The Articles of Confederation were clear that the States are sovereign governing entities. The final arguments about the Senate were that this body would represent the States in the national government. During the ratification debates the Original Intent of maintaining this State sovereignty was paramount. Yet, The Anti-federalists warned that cabal could corrupt the Senate and become an oligarchy if they Senator remained in office for more than two or three terms.

Well, here we are having exactly what the Anti-federalists predicted with an oligarchy in the Senate. Melancton Smith was specific about this in his 1788 Jun 25th argument: “As the clause now stands, there is no doubt that senators will hold their office perpetually; and in this situation they must of necessity lose their dependence, and attachments to the people. It is certainly inconsistent with the established principles of republicanism that the Senate should be a fixed and unchangeable body of men. There should be, then, some constitutional provision against this evil. A rotation I consider as the best possible mode of effecting a remedy. The amendment will not only have a tendency to defeat any plots which may be formed against the liberty and authority of the state governments, but will be the best means to extinguish the factions which often prevail, and which are sometimes so fatal to legislative bodies. This appears to me an important consideration. We have generally found that perpetual bodies have either combined in some scheme of usurpation, or have been torn and distracted with cabals. Both have been the source of misfortunes to the state. Most people acquainted with history will acknowledge these facts. Our Congress would have been a fine field for party spirit to act in. That body would undoubtedly have suffered all the evils of faction, had it not been secured by the rotation established by the Articles of Confederation. I think a rotation in the government is a very important and truly republican institution. All good republicans, I presume to say, will treat it with respect.”

With this in mind, I am hammering home the proven collusion and living example of what Melancton Smith argued – The McConnell / Chao collusion!  Also, a super reference is another great work by Peter Schweizer!

With that, As always, remember: The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!


For today’s program:                                                                 

  1. Articles of Confederation
  2. Melancton Smith – June 25, 1788 regarding the Senate (Correction: NY debate not Massachusetts)
  3. All Melancton Smith debate arguments
  4. 7 Explosive ‘Secret Empires’ Facts about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao
  5. Peter Schweizer “Secret Empires
  6. This Book gets to the details of what is discussed in the program! New Book: ‘From Covenant To The Present Constitution’ More about it and Free look at Author’s Notes & Introduction. Get your copy at Amazon or at The Book Patch For a signed copy contact me at tom@samueladamsreturns.com

Seminars beginning June 23rd : http://www.samueladamsreturns.com/events/tale-of-two-constitutions-seminar/

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5-5-18 Melanie Phillips, Dr Schaeffer, Arts of Confederation

Melanie Phillips was at Parkside church this past Monday, 4-30. Forgive me in advance if I don’t pronounce her first name properly. He presentation on Culture and the issues of the day was exceptional. I confess that other than being minus the ultimate resolution of the Gospel for these times, her presentation reminded me of reading Abraham Kuyper or hearing Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Yup, There is Nothing New Under the Sun. See the link to her presentation in the resources section.

The question continues regarding Founders Original Intent for governance and how does it apply to our up coming Primary Elections on May 8? The culture issues that Ms. Phillips speaks in Great Britain are taking on steam in the US. We must resist and fight the evils with Truth, History and yes – Full Biblical Reformation teaching within and outside the churches.

I finish up today with the Articles I and II of the ‘The Article of Confederation’ and some points from Melancton Smith regarding the Senate.

With that, As always, remember: The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!


For today’s program:                                                                 

  1. Melanie Phillips at Parkside church 4-30-18
  2. Articles of Confederation
  3. Melancton Smith – June 25, 1788 regarding the Senate (Correction: NY debate not Massachusetts)
  4. Kuyper on Islam
  5. Kuyper lectures at Princeton
  6. Schaeffer – How Should We Than Live? (There are 10 Episodes)
  7. New Book: ‘From Covenant To The Present Constitution’ More about it and Free look at Author’s Notes & Introduction. Get your copy at Amazon or at The Book Patch For a signed copy contact me at tom@samueladamsreturns.com Seminars beginning in June.

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7-15-17 Video Too and Melancton Smith – Bribed With Your Own Money?

Video Too and Melancton Smith – Bribed With Your Own Money?

Listen Saturday’s at 9 AM and 7 PM Eastern on www.lwrn.net

Expanding the horizons of technology! We are experimenting with recording the program on video as well and then putting the segments up on the SamuelAdamsReturns Youtube channel.

Melancton Smith Posed the questions: “How, say they, are the people to be corrupted? By their own money?” De Tocqueville stated that: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” We have had this happening now for 100 years. Hence – we no longer have a Republic but as ‘constitutional socialist democracy’ in the fantasy cover of a Constitutional Republic. Gee I wonder why the deep state and left hate Trump and all who call for our Founders Original Intent! Continue reading

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