Tag Archives: soft despotism

11-28-20 Unseen Warfare

Unseen Warfare Unseen Warfare

For all of created time mankind has been a part of Unseen Warfare. It is time to return to ‘A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants’ since we are experiencing the warfare before our eyes in the ‘Battle for the White House,’ Our Free Christianity, Our Western Culture and the Republic as a whole.

Now, this is the short newsletter version and if you are interested, you can find the full version on the web site Monday. I must tell you clearly, that the program is a rerun since we ran out of time in this sort Thanksgiving week. It was not possible to get things to the producer in any timely manner. The Producers pick for this Saturday, 11/28, is “Samuel Langdon – Government Corrupted By Vice.” Face it, the demon-crats and establishment repudicans are corrupt! Continue reading

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Welcome to the United States of Venezuela – The Complete Essay

The Complete Essay Unpacking de Tocqueville

This post is the complete essay – see the link below.

I promised the finale to the blog post ‘Welcome To The United States of Venezuela’ published on April 23, 2020.

With this essay you must consider all that de Tocqueville is expressing, that which has become reality in these United States. I call this ‘unpacking de Tocqueville.’

Click here to read the Complete Essay Welcome to the United States of Venezuela.

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6-10-17 From Rio to Paris, Constitution that Was and Is

From Rio to Paris, Constitution that Was and Is

This week has seen the sad testimony of a self-admittedly “weak man”, Mr. Comey. One of the sickest commentaries I’ve heard from someone who is suppose to be the epitome of the justice department. I have fired employees for less but deception and excuses as what Comey represented would be grounds for immediately being walked out the door. But, that is not what this weeks program is about.

Not only was I updating my lecture presentation for the coming Tuesday at the Geauga County TEA Party meeting but I became engaged in a Facebook conversation on the Liberty Radio Networks FB page. This conversation was related to a post about exiting the Paris Accord and that we have not really exited it. Well, the answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. I don’t get into the details of the exit but the larger conversation regarding the Constitutionality of the Accord in the first place. Continue reading

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5-13-15 Keep your enemies in the wrong” – from S Adams to Alinsky through CPUSA to the Democrats

Samuel Adams Returns – The Anti-federalists Got It Right: “Keep your enemies in the wrong” – from S. Adams to Alinsky through CPUSA to the Democrats

Make sure you read the comments about Sobolev further down.

People keep talking all around with words that they, the progressive-left, redefine or the mix bag of so called conservatives mimic. All the jaw flapping from the progressive-left is finger pointing with strong accusation of wrongdoing. The reality is: that they are the “anti-Constitutional globalist” ilk. And before the false flag redirection strategy used in the 1950’s we would be calling them what they are – communists or ‘communist dupes’.

So today I discuss how the phrase that Sam Adams wrote in 1775 becomes part of the Alinsky Hegelian Dialectic and is instituted by the Communist Party USA through the infiltration of the demoncrat party of the present. I discuss the violence of these progressive groups authenticity in the writing of Sobolev.

Lastly, I ask “why has the Christian been emasculated (the original definition of the word)?” Why won’t true Constitutionalist develop leaders to be policy makers in governance instead of chasing the dollar and being maneuvered to their own demise? Continue reading

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4-29-17 People Are Policy

People Are Policy

First I want to remind you that next week we will be interviewing Dan Johnson the Exec Director of Tax Revolution Institute. I’m really charged about this time with Dan especially with the release of the Trump Budget and Tax Revision Plan.

I am picking up where I left off with my friend from the past Alex De Tocqueville. Yupper, He’s the first one to talk about the ‘sheeple!” I get into the next aspect of what he discusses regarding how that once you are turned into the ‘sheeple’ that soft despotism seem tolerable. Gee, exactly what has been imposed on us since the Carter days, a brief break and then the full court press with the G.H.W.B. time until now. Continue reading

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4-22-17 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre to Trump: Policy Matters

Over the last two weeks I have been working on the various textual materials for SACPS.org from source writing about or directly by Sam Adams. I have been focusing on the topic of policy development. In doing this I had to do my standard ‘go down the rabbit hole’ in following the extensibility of Sam Adams knowledge base. During that journey is were I came to a comparison of Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos (translated: A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants) and its similarity to “An supremo Magistratui resistere liceat, si aliter servari Respublica nequit?” – Sam Adams Masters Thesis translated “Whether it be lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved?”

This then takes us into who and what many are in the US, and yes, even patriots fit the descriptions of my friend from the past Alex De Tocqueville. Yupper, He’s the first one to talk about the ‘sheeple!” We learn, that the socialist / communist of 1850 are the same as today and De Tocqueville cannot describe their tyranny and despotism in democracies or republics in the historic manner. No, he goes one further and describes our present government – “Elected Guardians.”

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3-18-17 Health Care Not a Right, Anti-federalists Reveal Deep State

This week continues to reveal much of the truth that I’ve spoken about in other programs so you will have to go to the archives for the references and the podcasts. I delineate the roots of what is happening with judicial overreach, the progressive activist movement and other key components of the Kozak plan.  Start with this past program.

This week I am diving a little deeper on the Constitutional reality that health care or health insurance is not a Right (period). As I pointed out last week the difficulty in having a Constitutionally healthy Citizenry is that we have capitulated to the treaty mandates from the UN. I’m keeping the resource links from last week and adding on from the Libertarian Institute Via fee.org that I find spot on – and you know I’m not a Libertarian!

Then I want you to remember that as I say so often, ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ and neither was the idea of the “Deep State or Shadow Government.” The Anti-federalists predicted this. Again I refer you to the program were I talked about why Obama was at the University of Chicago and it wasn’t just because of Saul Alinsky. Continue reading

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3-11-17 Truth, Montezuma on Aristocratizing the House of Rep. and UN Health Care Mandate

Almost everything that has been going on for the last century has been the ‘battle for truth.’ We have lost perspective our Founder’s Truth and Intent as well as where they sourced Truth. Samuel Adams had a primary source for Truth that I identify today. I also give you more insight to the Samuel Adams Center for Political Science. Here is my email to contact me about SACPS: tom@samueladamsreturns.com

Next I discuss Montezuma, not the Aztec emperor but the Anti-federalist. His satire on the establishment of the Constitution of 1787 is a clear descriptor of what has been and is happening in Congress today! Yes, the Anti-federalists Got It Right!

Then I tell you why we must have Ob’Ryan care. Yes, just in time for St. Patti’s Day. This is mandated not by what Tom Price or Newt Gingrich are saying about Congressional process. No, the deception is in what most refuse to learn, accept or the politicians talk about – the UN mandates for ‘universal health care.’ Continue reading

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2-18-17 Centinel #1, Philip Dru, Kozak, Hydra’s in the Swamp

Centinel #1, Philip Dru, Kozak, Hydra’s in the Swamp

Forgive some of my diatribe today since I’m still getting over a really tough flu. With that, the simple reality of today’s program is that the Anti-federalists predicted exactly what is going on if we did not maintain a ‘moral and virtuous’ people. As I point out via Philip Dru and Kozak the evil has been making its way to dupe a great number of citizens for over 100 years.

We – Ourselves , and the churches in particular, have allowed this evil to become dominant. I wonder if anyone really cares? The battle is before us much like that of 1772 through 1783. Who will take up the mantle? How will the swamp be drained with such embedded evil? Continue reading

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2-4-17 Philip Drew: Administrator Executed by Kozak Model

The Podcast located Bottom of page

This Week: all of the disruptive events on the streets and in government at all levels across the nation were predicted by the Anti-federalists; Not with any timeline but according to the means by which the Constitution could be utilized against the sovereignty and liberties of the people.

The stage was set during the ‘Debates on the Constitution’ for the likes of Edward M. House and the socialists/globalists to use the Constitution against itself. During the debates Hamilton proposed a solidified national government with regions thus eliminating the States.

As I will develop for you today, E. M. House in his book ‘Philip Drew: Administrator’ put into play the elements of a consolidated government as the close advisor to Presidents Wilson and FDR. By the direct influence of House in these administrations, the use of the Kozak plan to completely impact the Republic is at hand. “The Pressure from Below” is the action on the streets while “The Pressure from Above” is the subversive infiltration into the demoncrat party as well as the globalists in the repudican party. Continue reading

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