Tag Archives: UN health care

7-1-17 Article VI: From ‘Who Is Sovereign’ to Health Care Mandate

Article VI: From ‘Who Is Sovereign’ to Health Care Mandate

I want to pick up this week from last by furthering the discussion on Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. First in this discussion must be the question: “Who is the sovereign and who is ultimate in universal sovereignty?” Then we turn to the Founders’ regarding intent of Article VI, Clause 2

With that the next questions is: “How do treaties apply to the law of the land?” I intend to take in the international agreement mandates for universal health care. How do these treaties and international agreement entanglements affect policy making if neither have been ratified or confirmed? Reference items #7 and #8 below get to the detail of this issue. Don’t Be Fooled in Item #5 about non-binding. That is misleading when you look at Item #6 **** note. Continue reading

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3-11-17 Truth, Montezuma on Aristocratizing the House of Rep. and UN Health Care Mandate

Almost everything that has been going on for the last century has been the ‘battle for truth.’ We have lost perspective our Founder’s Truth and Intent as well as where they sourced Truth. Samuel Adams had a primary source for Truth that I identify today. I also give you more insight to the Samuel Adams Center for Political Science. Here is my email to contact me about SACPS: tom@samueladamsreturns.com

Next I discuss Montezuma, not the Aztec emperor but the Anti-federalist. His satire on the establishment of the Constitution of 1787 is a clear descriptor of what has been and is happening in Congress today! Yes, the Anti-federalists Got It Right!

Then I tell you why we must have Ob’Ryan care. Yes, just in time for St. Patti’s Day. This is mandated not by what Tom Price or Newt Gingrich are saying about Congressional process. No, the deception is in what most refuse to learn, accept or the politicians talk about – the UN mandates for ‘universal health care.’ Continue reading

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