Tag Archives: morals in government

Episode 402: Morals in Government – Really?

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Morals in Government these days is no where in the Debt Ceiling Bill. You will have to listen to the program as I give a bit of a rant regarding the question: Is any morality in government called for. Where as, in 1768 during the time ‘the Crown’ was decimatingMorals in Government the Colonial economy – morality in government was a top issue also. For instance, a Massachusetts resolution reads:

‘Resolved, That this house will use their utmost endeavors, and en- force their endeavors by example, in suppressing extravagance, idle- ness, and vice, and promoting industry, economy, and good morals in their respective towns.

And in order to prevent the unnecessary exportation of money, of which the Province has of late been so much drained, it is further resolved, that this House will, by all prudent means, endeavor to discountenance the use of foreign superfluities, and to encourage the manufactures of this Province.’

How great are the parallels in the ‘1768 to 1776 fight for Independence’ and our present situation respecting the lack morals in Establishment government are.

The institutions have now become the moral determinate of humanity in these United States. People, human individuals, have been the components of the ‘Matrix’ since the ‘Administrative State’ was given unlimited power. Consider this chart, Google Ngram, that shows the massive growth of this beast. When you analyze the chart you can easily overlay the rise of the ‘Social Gospel,’ dispensationalism and the rejection of Foundational Reformation Orthodoxy.

In regards to the ‘Administrative State,’ slowly think through this quote from the article in the References below and know that the ‘Great Rest’ is nothing new: Continue reading

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