2-4-17 Philip Drew: Administrator Executed by Kozak Model

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This Week: all of the disruptive events on the streets and in government at all levels across the nation were predicted by the Anti-federalists; Not with any timeline but according to the means by which the Constitution could be utilized against the sovereignty and liberties of the people.

The stage was set during the ‘Debates on the Constitution’ for the likes of Edward M. House and the socialists/globalists to use the Constitution against itself. During the debates Hamilton proposed a solidified national government with regions thus eliminating the States.

As I will develop for you today, E. M. House in his book ‘Philip Drew: Administrator’ put into play the elements of a consolidated government as the close advisor to Presidents Wilson and FDR. By the direct influence of House in these administrations, the use of the Kozak plan to completely impact the Republic is at hand. “The Pressure from Below” is the action on the streets while “The Pressure from Above” is the subversive infiltration into the demoncrat party as well as the globalists in the repudican party.

With that – The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Join me on today’s program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.


And because you keep asking!


For today’s program:

  1. Philip Drew: Administrator
  2. Analysis of Philip Drew by Robert Welch
  3. The Progressive Blue Print in use by Soros and because this is what Hillary and her globalist/communist – both party establishment ilk have been doing: “And Not a Shot is Fired” by Jan Kozak


At the Samuel Adams Returns web site: “Not All Conservatives Are Constitutionalists

Or on Amazon: Paperback or the eBook




Ones I can’t let go from being in front of you:

  1. From the Pulpits in the Foundation: Ellis Sandoz, Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805, 2 volumes
  1. The Massachusetts Election Day Sermons compiled by Lindsay Swift 1884 (read online or download)
  1. Leaving this as a baseline on Progressives & Progressivism is Communism:

The American Road to Socialism by William Z. Foster

[section from History of the Communist Party of the United States, International Publishers, New York, 1952]

  1. Congressional Progressive Caucus
  1. The 45-goals of the Communist for America read into the Congressional Record in 1963.
  1. Adding one for all to get: Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
  1. I talk about this regarding the destruction of our Founders intent regarding Religion:

Unholy Alliance: The History of the National Council of Churches” free pdf. by C. Gregg Singer

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