Tag Archives: FBI firing

6-10-17 From Rio to Paris, Constitution that Was and Is

From Rio to Paris, Constitution that Was and Is

This week has seen the sad testimony of a self-admittedly “weak man”, Mr. Comey. One of the sickest commentaries I’ve heard from someone who is suppose to be the epitome of the justice department. I have fired employees for less but deception and excuses as what Comey represented would be grounds for immediately being walked out the door. But, that is not what this weeks program is about.

Not only was I updating my lecture presentation for the coming Tuesday at the Geauga County TEA Party meeting but I became engaged in a Facebook conversation on the Liberty Radio Networks FB page. This conversation was related to a post about exiting the Paris Accord and that we have not really exited it. Well, the answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. I don’t get into the details of the exit but the larger conversation regarding the Constitutionality of the Accord in the first place. Continue reading

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