Tag Archives: Rev John Allen

Stand alarm’d, O ye Americans! An ORATION upon the BEAUTIES of LIBERTY

Stand alarm’d, O ye Americans!

Gaspee Affair

Original picture found: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/4-gaspee-affair-1772-science-source.html


Or, The Essential RIGHTS of the AMERICANS

A call to ‘Stand alarm’d, O ye Americans!‘ Is a sermon that can be seen directly applicable to our 21st century political leaders and situation with one caveat – In 1772, America, the Citizenry and a good portion of the political class, heard and maybe even understood the truth within the First Great Awakening.

The principles in the sermon should have been preached from 1772 each and every year to this very day. The BEAUTIES of LIBERTY are not imaginary but established in the reality of who King Jesus is not king James or a governor, president, congress, judges or bureaucrats.

This sermon is directed to the political elite, the political class, the king, Parliament and yes, the Citizenry. I believe that every politician and bureaucrat needs to hear this sermon since they are culpable in the charges laid forth in this sermon. BTW, the fundamental complaint and charges are timeless when evil reigns. Continue reading

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