Tag Archives: State Constitutions protect Higher Ed

Episode 364: Ohio Higher Ed Funding Constitutionally Protected – So Too in Other States

Ohio Higher Ed Video available at Rumble and YouTube

The challenge in Citizens comprehending the funding of Ohio Higher Ed is a deep space galactic journey. Ohio Higher Ed andEpisode 364 a number of other States Higher Education are Constitutionally protected. This is the power of the college/university lobby.

I started an investigation on the funding of Ohio State University back in November of last year. I can only say that in general, the information is overwhelming when it comes to the complexity of funding Higher Education. I suggest you go back to these two programs to get more of where I was beginning: Episode 325: Corporatocracy: Universities Making Vassals and Universities are Body Politic and Corporations.

Tip of the Iceberg on Ohio Higher Ed Funding

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