Tag Archives: True Liberty

A Sermon for Americans by Pastor Doug Wilson

I was looking to write something like “A Sermon to Americans’ but it is better preached by Pastor Wilson. 

As many of you know, I’m just a simple Citizen that has delved deep into the Foundations of America. Since my immersion in facts, hip wading through the modern mire of rewriting history – face it, this has been happening over the last 80 years – I have been able to very clearly see the relationship of Reformation Biblical reality regarding all governance.

Not to make this one of my long commentaries, I will simply note that the Link to the Sermon by Pastor Doug Wilson is one that should be echoed from every Evangelical pulpit in the land.

“A Sermon for Americans” (here’s the Link) is in the tone of those ‘Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution’ that I often speak of. It could be one that fits into the collection of ‘Election Day Sermons‘ that I speak of, although it is much shorter.

I want to thank Pastor Wilson for this sermon. I pray that those many other pastors out there will bring a like message to their congregations such that Jesus is glorified and that true Liberty once again reigns in this Land.

Remember, that as shown in the Old Testament, humanity will ebb and tide the understanding of True Liberty according to the factual preaching of the Word of God and the hearers acting accordingly.

I encourage you all to watch ”A Sermon for Americans’ and hear what is being said in this sermon. One has to hear it several times to glean all that is in it since it is impactful in every paragraph. This is a timely message that resonates with the times we are living in.


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