Tag Archives: Biblical Reformation

8-15-20 John MacArthur – Too Little Too Late

John MacArthur – Too Little Too Late: The Forgotten de Mornay – The Right Man On Time

Too Little Too Late  Too Little Too Late

Is it Too Little Too Late for the stance of John MacArthur in resisting the tyrants of government in California? Over the years of his time in the pulpit he has more often told congregations across these United States to NOT become involved in politics or that which is associated with it. I heard him speak a number of years ago telling a large congregation that ‘Christians should not be involved in politics.’ He as well as other major pastors have minimized and worse neglected the extensibility of Biblical truth, which should affect every aspect of life, including the political, social, economic and cultural arenas. Sadly, there are predominant pastors which are part of a coalition that is and has been at times overtly catering to ‘cultural Marxism’ and more – see The Gospel Coalition’s Bamboozling Act.

As I have discussed for the last thirty plus years, The Church is to be victorious in every aspect of where we are placed. This is not a ‘name it and claim it’ concept. It is the eschatology of the Reformers and especially the Puritans that settled the northern colonies of America. Since the mid-1800’s the universalism of the ‘social gospel’ and what I have called ‘roof top eschatology,’ has removed the American foundational view of developing a ‘moral and virtuous people’ to lead in every aspect of governance – beginning with the family. Continue reading

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6-27-20 Interview with Leonard Gilbert

Interview With Leonard  Lacing Wisdom

It is an honor to interview my fantastic friend Leonard Gilbert. Leonard is a leader that has the insights to issues of the day because he has studied not only the past but also the depths of the Scriptures. He brings the life lived application of God’s word to the discussion of family, governance, politics and church.

During this conversation with Leonard, we will focus on God and Government. We will cover the concepts that are not taught in schools today thereby causing the unrest we see amongst people as well as the rise of Marxist revolution across the nation.

Questions For The Present

Some of what Leonard and I intend to cover are:

  • What is foundational in America from the time of the Puritans?

  • Does the Bible address the relationship between God and governance?

  • Education.

  • Activism.

  • The church walking away from its responsibilities to humanity.

  • What must we do?

On that note I want to remind all those that are leaders in your community and especially those who are in their church to read ‘The Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution.’ Continue reading

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11-16-19 Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance

Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance

Confusion into governance

Pic on Right is a Modified Bob Connoly Cartoon

This week I am taking a first pass in my study of Calvinism 2.0. Also, I have to bring us back to Sam Adams perspective that ALL Governance is Local. So, I did title the program, “Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance” in that it is required to have an understanding on how all governance should function in relationship to ones True understanding of the extensibility of Biblical Reformation Reality.

Sam Adams fully understood this as proven by his moniker “the Last Puritan”. To that, I have included in the references, the Congregational Quarterly, January 1869, which has a great article titled “Samuel Adams, the Last of the Puritans.” Notably, the nation in 1869 had already experienced the forethought of disappointment that Sam Adams envisioned for the Republic without a Puritan mindset. Now look at the mess we are in! Our mess is even further from the glorious hopes of that “Last Puritan” basically because of what he predicted would happen if the pulpits lost their Sound Theology of Reformation purism. Continue reading

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A Sermon for Americans by Pastor Doug Wilson

I was looking to write something like “A Sermon to Americans’ but it is better preached by Pastor Wilson. 

As many of you know, I’m just a simple Citizen that has delved deep into the Foundations of America. Since my immersion in facts, hip wading through the modern mire of rewriting history – face it, this has been happening over the last 80 years – I have been able to very clearly see the relationship of Reformation Biblical reality regarding all governance.

Not to make this one of my long commentaries, I will simply note that the Link to the Sermon by Pastor Doug Wilson is one that should be echoed from every Evangelical pulpit in the land.

“A Sermon for Americans” (here’s the Link) is in the tone of those ‘Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution’ that I often speak of. It could be one that fits into the collection of ‘Election Day Sermons‘ that I speak of, although it is much shorter.

I want to thank Pastor Wilson for this sermon. I pray that those many other pastors out there will bring a like message to their congregations such that Jesus is glorified and that true Liberty once again reigns in this Land.

Remember, that as shown in the Old Testament, humanity will ebb and tide the understanding of True Liberty according to the factual preaching of the Word of God and the hearers acting accordingly.

I encourage you all to watch ”A Sermon for Americans’ and hear what is being said in this sermon. One has to hear it several times to glean all that is in it since it is impactful in every paragraph. This is a timely message that resonates with the times we are living in.


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4-20-19 Christian Resistance and Disobedience Today

Introduction: Christian Resistance

Most important this week is the remembrance that mankind is sinful and that God had always planned for salvation to those He calls. This weekend is that calendared time to remember what the Godhead did for us in the death and Resurrection of Jesus.

With that, I don’t expect many or any to take the time to listen to the program. Therefore I am providing a program that I did in August of 2015. The reality is that good governance begins with good governors: individually, at home, in the work place, in bureaucracies, and in elected offices. The problem over the last 150 years is that Christians, especially evangelicals have dismissed the extensibility of the Gospel and left action required to influence all the a fore mentioned aspects of human life.

To that end, we have the right to resist despots and tyrants being the overlords of a nation as these United States.

The Original Program titled “Christian Resistance and Disobedience Today” is at this link location

Christian Resistance:

There are a lot of speakers and authors out there that talk about this. This program is a rerun for 2015 so the tyrant that was freely elected is no longer in office as President but that does not mean that there are not tyrants still in political offices, businesses or bureaucracies.

But, the modern pulpits have not raised up men and women of God that understand the full perspective of engaging the culture and political environment. Therefore, the leadership that should be governing is obviated by social justice warrior and the false narrative of tolerance; to the extent that immorality and evil is subsuming the the rightful place of peaceful living that our Constitutional Republic guarantees.

So the theology of Christian Resistance is not understood. It really means Christian Leadership but…. the pulpits have not developed much of that over the last 150 years.

Disobedience Today:

I will just leave it at this: Go read the Chaplains and Clergy Of The Revolution. Then apply the principles to the present.

Our action Item

is to understand our Christian Founders like Sam Adams who knew what true Christian Resistance is.

And because you keep asking!


The video of the program is at the SamuelAdamsReturns YouTube channel

1. What I’m reading to my grandkids.

For my grandkids and you:

I am now just over half way through reading the chapters on YouTube.

The Chaplains and Clergy of The Revolution Compiled by J. T. Headley, 1864 My reading of the Book on YouTube: The Chaplains and Clergy of The Revolution

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7-21-18 Calvin Institutes Book IV Chapter 20 then Hamilton

A short introduction and synopsis of Calvin regarding biblical government. Calvin argued that the office of the magistrate was “a most sacred office,” a noble profession worthy of any Christian’s respect. Magistrates were “the viceregents of God,” said Calvin, established by his authority and accountable to him for their actions. Even tyranny was preferable to anarchy, and only where the tyrant contradicted the commands of God was peaceful resistance warranted. [Institutes Book IV Chapter 20] According to Calvin, government had a divinely-instituted purpose: to protect the public order and defend God’s moral law. When it came to the question of how best to order the state, Calvin offered an opinion: a mix of republicanism and aristocracy. I have no capacity in this short order to get to all that can be discussed back and forth as to all that Calvin proposes and even rejects in this chapter. But for me, the bottom line is that we now have a Constitutional Republic and that is what must be supported and kept in good order for good government. Yes and Christians have a responsibility in doing so.

In the last two segments I again do not have time to fully contrast what Hamilton writes in the referenced Federalists Papers nor do I get into the details of Yates writing as Brutus which predicts our present Judicial system breakdown. The Courts have in every essence fulfilled all that Hamilton indicated would be their jurisdictional authority… and then some. With this short time we have, I am taking you through only a couple high level points of Hamilton’s approval of the structure and intent of Article III that has more than exceeded any perspective of his simplicity in argument for the supremacy of the Court.

Join me on the program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.

And because you keep asking!

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3-24-18 Md. shooter, Russian Genocide, Gospel Truth, Social Media Alternative

As always there is a lot to cover. Congress this week foisted a travesty of an Omnibus Spending bill on WTP. I took the time to read through a lot of that beast! It is as bad if not worse then obamacare – and it kept funding for OBcare baleouts in it. The reality is that the Senate refuses to pass a budget. Hence the evil they perpetrate is exaggerated by the actions of four cronies: Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell and Schumer. These people as well as the globalists in the WH deceived the President and manipulated the fiduciary process of Congress to the benefit of socialist/progressive – Neo-marxists.

Yes, there was another high school shooting and it was handled properly! I have spoken often that without morality of at least the Ten Commandments returned to the classroom we will continue to see these sad events. Go listen to last weeks program for more on my thoughts here.

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Business Ethics and Dr. Abraham Kuyper

When did you have that first conversation about work ethics that dove into the plight of the common worker and those terrible rich business owners? Mine was as a young lad sitting on the periphery as my father, his two brothers and a couple of friends sat around playing poker. It was in the early 60’s when the height of the labor vs. management was raging through much of the industries and trades in the United States. The conversations at the card table could become pretty heated since there was an uneven split between the players of corporate/management types (two) and labor/union types (three).

My dad and his oldest brother were of the latter category while the younger brother of the former. Things could get heated as they evaluated the political as well as the monetary discrepancies of rich compared to the middle class. The poor were never a consideration in the conversations, ah, sometimes arguments. I always listened intently because I saw that on the one hand, emotionalism sustained the argument of the majority over the other hand, rational-factual retorts of the minority players at the table. What was the real basis of what was happening and when did the deeper conversation about this with Dad play out? Continue reading

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8-19-17 From Kozak to the Pulpits of the Revolution

From Kozak to the Pulpits of the Revolution


What we continue to see this week on the streets, from the political class, intelligentsia and the sophistry media is the Kozak Plan executed (archives about this here). It is absolutely clear that they have every desire to be and do all things against Constitutionalism and the Republic.

Critical in this is the fact that they are moral degenerates as defined by the Pulpits of the Revolution. Sadly, the modern Pulpits and education system have devolved from what #FoundersOriginalIntent is for the nation and the Citizenry. It is clear that morality outside of the Judeo-Christian worldview is not the morality expected by the Founders for self-governance and then governing of We The People.

see more to get the solutions & references and watch the program:

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1-14-17 Obama at U. Chicago and the Kozak Plan

The Framers of the Constitution did two major things correct: first and foremost they established a structure that is explicit in the separation of powers. Second the established that the Constitution as originally written would be the rule of law. But!! Those that were labeled as Anti-federalists absolutely got it correct in regards to how this Constitution could and would become the document of despotism and tyranny. That is why Obama was at the University of Chicago. Listen today to my full explanation regarding this!

With that, Obama is a Gramsci-ite who, with the minions and dupes, has been effectively implementing the Kozak model and plan for taking down the Republic. This is not Conspiracy Theory; This is well documented.

Today begins the series of Why the Anti-federalist Got It Right and why the resistance to PEOTUS is so great.

Based on the claims of CPUSA regarding the infiltration of the Demoncrat Party and the actions of many Republicans as well as item 15 through 21 of the 45 goals of the communist in America – as read into the 1963 Congressional Record: It is clear that those in Congress, especially Republicans fall into this perspective that – “Not ALL Conservatives Are Constitutionalists.” I encourage you to get your copy. The links are in the references for the paperback or eBook. Continue reading

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