Tag Archives: CPUSA and Democrat Party

11-14-20 Political Theology: Chickens Running Around Looking for Happiness

Chickens Running Around 

RoofTop Chickens Looking for Savior

   Rooftop Christians.. Oops! Chickens..

The Chickens Running Around are looking for all sort of happiness and the littlest of them is shouting ‘the sky is falling!’ But wait, many flocks are roosted on the rooftops looking at signs that have convoluted words transcribed by the minks who have shinnied up the drain pipes to feast upon those that cannot or will not fly.

But wait again, similar to Venezuela, the czar of public happiness wants to ensure that when those chickens running around flock to an event that appeases a sense of happiness, well then, according to TicketMaster, the flock must have their ChicomFlu vaccine or a negative test. So now do the gods of entertainment demand your Liberty so that you can be happy? Don’t forget… Chickens Running Around in the poultry farms get inoculated in their food. Continue reading

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