Tag Archives: original Intent

Episode 314: Republicanism Not Republicans

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Because I have references about the ChicomFlu in this newsletter/posting, Mailchimp suspended my account. Ha… I hit the big times now… LOL The audio and video will be up on Saturday morning.

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Republicanism Not Republicans  Republicanism

Republicanism is not the same as or even truly represented by Republicans. Based on what has and is occurring in the Republican Party, especially in Ohio and several other swing states, the truth, fact and understanding of republicanism is nonexistent.

The Constitution of these United States is for a republic operating within the context of republicanism. Although the ‘rule of law’ is a key component of republicanism it has been sadly ‘perverted’ as Bastiat observed in the opening in his treatise, ‘The Law’:

‘The law perverted! The law—and, in its wake, all the collective forces of the nation—the law, I say, not only diverted from its proper direction, but made to pursue one entirely contrary! The law become the tool of every kind of avarice, instead of being its check! The law guilty of that very iniquity which it was its mission to punish! Truly, this is a serious fact, if it exists, and one to which I feel bound to call the attention of my fellow citizens.’

Therefore, we see the left, the American Marxists, take over the bureaucracies, political parties and even elected offices by using ‘The Law.’ Thereby perverting the republicanism of our founding. Continue reading

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1-20-18 Interpreting Constitutional Intent and what happened to Bannon?

The disparity in how the Federal Courts Interpret the Constitution is the one of the Primary effects on the disaster that is our Federal Government. Even those that relay on literal structure and Originalist ideology do not agree that we can determine the Framers Intent. I disagree because the Framers gave us the means and methodology to know their Intent. Not only that they gave the Principles by which we can know and act according to that Intent into perpetuity.

I also briefly touch on ‘What Happened to Bannon’. Interesting question to explore but, not sure we will really know the full answer.

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7-8-17 Gen Z, The iGen and Sam Adams

Gen Z, The iGen and Sam Adams

Generation Z – What do you know about them? This large group of citizens, 70 million strong, is emerging onto the scene with gusto. What are the worldviews of these individuals that are half still in high school and the other half in college or the work force? How are they different from Millennials in the views on economics, politics and religion?

Gen Z or known as the iGen for their ease of life in the digital world are affecting marketing and policy making now and into the next eighty years.

With that, I will be hammering it home to your remembrance that “People are Policy” and we need to develop Gen Z into policy-makers with Foundational Principles and Ethics. It is ever so critical to do this. Continue reading

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