Tag Archives: John Piper

11-7-20 Political Theology: Enemies In The Pulpits

Enemies Within  Enemies In The Pulpits

Enemies Within the Pulpits is not a new phenomena. The substance of this newsletter and radio program is not to focus on any type of exposé on schism or theological wack-a-doodle stuff. No, the Enemies Within the Pulpits have been discussed and warned about for over one hundred years. Thereby, I can conclude, that based on the preaching at the foundation of these United States from the First Great Awakening to our present time, that a great number of Pulpits are in fact NOW, in 2020, the cause of the confusion in this election and our American society on the whole.

Now there are a number of pastors in their respective congregations that understand that all of living for now and eternity is political. They get it and speak the truth of the extensible Gospel. Continue reading

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10-21-20 Hobgoblins of Anarchy

Hobgoblins Of Anarchy  Hobgoblins of Anarchy

The Hobgoblins of Anarchy is a point of discussion that meets the folly of the celebrants of this day. Considering all the ghouls that are costumed to play various tricks with no treats the root of this essay by Samuel Bryan reverberates in the streets.

Bryan who wrote extensively as ‘Centinel’ says the following:

‘The evils of anarchy have been portrayed with all the imagery of language in the growing colors of eloquence; the affrighted mind is thence led to clasp the new Constitution as the instrument of deliverance, as the only avenue to safety and happiness.’

I would suggest substituting ‘new Constitution’ with ‘socialism / Marxism’ for our present time. This is in fact what the demon-crats and leftist are promoting. Continue reading

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