Tag Archives: kozak

7-20-19 Vitriol of the Elected & The Kozak Plan

Vitriol of the Elected: 


Omar – Progressive Caucus Whip and member AOC whip up the dialectic Vitriol


Once again we have to consider the vitriol of the elected as nothing new under the sun. In all of human kind since the ‘fall of man’, vitriol reared its ugly head.

In this program I look back at a specific time in our nations early history. Yes, there was a lot of vitriol in a classy manner during the fight to ratify the proposed Constitution of 1787. The worse of it often happened during the Ratifying Conventions in the various States. We shall examine one instance in particular that can be viewed in respect to our modern times.

Progressive Vitriol – The Kozak Plan:

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1-7-17 Oligarchy, Hegelian Dialectic and Recent Events

With the 115th congress now in session the need for the Citizenry to be engaged is as critical as ever. If you were a Trump supporter, don’t think things are rosy. Those that weren’t Trump supporters already think that but not for the same reason I’m talking about.

Congress is still a menace to our Liberties! Yes, the Anti-federalists predicted it and we have seen it in action for the last 100 years. Today I talk about the Oligarchy in the Senate, that relationship to an aristocratic president like obama and the idea that Pew research put out that nine out of ten members of Congress call themselves ‘Christian’ – Really?

Once again, I have no shyness in identifying the sweet name of ‘left or leftists’ for what they are and how the Hegelian Dialectic is clearly active in recent events.

It is clear that those in Congress, especially Republicans fall into this perspective that – “Not ALL Conservatives Are Constitutionalists.” I encourage you to get your copy. The links are in the references for the paperback or eBook. Continue reading

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