4-22-17 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre to Trump: Policy Matters

Over the last two weeks I have been working on the various textual materials for SACPS.org from source writing about or directly by Sam Adams. I have been focusing on the topic of policy development. In doing this I had to do my standard ‘go down the rabbit hole’ in following the extensibility of Sam Adams knowledge base. During that journey is were I came to a comparison of Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos (translated: A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants) and its similarity to “An supremo Magistratui resistere liceat, si aliter servari Respublica nequit?” – Sam Adams Masters Thesis translated “Whether it be lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved?”

This then takes us into who and what many are in the US, and yes, even patriots fit the descriptions of my friend from the past Alex De Tocqueville. Yupper, He’s the first one to talk about the ‘sheeple!” We learn, that the socialist / communist of 1850 are the same as today and De Tocqueville cannot describe their tyranny and despotism in democracies or republics in the historic manner. No, he goes one further and describes our present government – “Elected Guardians.”

All of this is related to the policy means and methods of the past and the “Elected Guardians” and unelected swamp monsters demanding to influence the Trump administration. This isn’t new.

Also, I want you to get ready for May 3rd. I will have a super treat of guest that will broach new ideas in tax policy. Dan Johnson of Tax Revolution Institute will be on.

With that – The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Join me on today’s program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.


And because you keep asking!

References: Radio Program Archives

For today’s program:

  1. A DEFENCE OF LIBERTY AGAINST TYRANTS, Or Of the Lawful Power of the Prince Over the People and of the People over the Prince, By Junius Brutus
(Philippe Duplessis-Mornay 1549-1623), published: 1579
  2. Democracy in America — Volume 2 by Alexis de Tocqueville   
  1. None Dare Call It Treason – 25 Years Later
  1. Because we need to mentor out future leadership: SACPS:

Presentations: What will Samuel Adams Center for Political Science (SACPS) do? Watch the presentation link.

To follow what SACPS is doing and progressing like the page on FaceBook:

and watch the web site mature at SACPS.org

  1. 5. Yes, And even more important as you look at what happened in the Republican held House: At the Samuel Adams Returns web site: “Not All Conservatives Are Constitutionalists

Or on Amazon: Paperback or the eBook

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