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The audio archives for “Samuel Adams Returns – The Anti-federalists Got It Right!”

Episode 441: Treachery in Treaties – Better To Liken To Jehoshaphat

See the link for the video of ‘Treachery in Treaties – Better To Liken To Jehoshaphat’ at Rumble or YouTube

treachery in treatiesTreachery in Treaties is evidenced in reading through the State Departments ‘Treaties In Force.’ Just consider the ‘2021 – 2023 — SUPPLEMENT,’ which is made up of 86 pages of treaties and agreements either renewed or new. Not withstanding the 570 pages of the first document.

This week I don’t have the time to write a long posting so you are going to have to listen or watch the program to get the full content.

Why are the links in the intro paragraph important?

Because, they are the law of the land. You scream… WHAT? Obviously you do not understand the Federal Constitution and its effects fully enforced. Yes, Here you will see treachery in treaties being set up.

Article 6, Clause 2 – The Founders Constitution

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Now, the ‘Treaties In Force’ do not include all the United Nations (UN) treaties and agreements wrapped into one larger agreement, and there are other specific UN treaties we are subjects to. Yes, I use subjects as in Webster’s dictionary definition:

Noun: One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws.

Verb: To bring under the power or dominion of.

Therefore, The shoe fits according to Article 6, Clause 2 … these treaties are ‘supreme law of the land’ and we are subject to them through ‘the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.’ I have much more to say on this on the podcast.

For that, the reference is Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1831–33, 1835–36

Do ponder on the use of ‘notwithstanding’ as used here and the Webster 1828 definition.

Anti-federalists response to Art. 6, Sec 2: Federal Farmer, no. 4

George Mason, Virginia Ratifying Convention

St. George Tucker, Blackstone’s Commentaries 1:App. 369–70

It may seem very extraordinary, that a people jealous of their liberty, and not insensible of the allurements of power, should have entrusted the federal government with such extensive authority as this article conveys: controlling not only the acts of their ordinary legislatures, but their very constitutions, also.


I came across a very interesting book written in 2004 by Dr. Gary North ‘Conspiracy In Philadelphia.’ He explains that: ‘This book is an update of Part 3 of Political Polytheism: The Myth of Neutrality (Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1989).’ My purpose in bringing this to you is that I have been on the track of discussing ‘covenant’ in the last few programs. Both of these books are a deep dive into Covenantal relationship and governance with the former being specific to the U. S. Constitution. Continue reading

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Episode 440: Faithful to Foolishness – 18 USC Ch. 115

See the link for the video of ‘Faithful to Foolishness – 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES’ at Rumble or YouTube

We are five generations of the Faithful to Foolishness. Beginning with those born in 1928, know as the Silent Generation all the way to the Gen Z / iGen. We five generations are in deep want of wisdom and good judgment. We have fallen into absurdity and act in every form of folly known to mankind. (reference A Year-by-Year Guide to the Different Generations)

‘Harsh you say.’ I retort, Not at all. I will prove that we have fallen so far from Foundational teachings and the intent of liberty that we allow ‘lawfare’ to become a normality in politics, economics, culture and law itself.

In this spring time of 2024 we see that 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES are selectively administered within the progressive / leftist, politicized legal system, against those who are Christians, patriots and people of common sense reasoning. How do I tie the generational faithfulness to foolishness with federal law? How is the majority of this statute even necessary when foreign entities are gifted with citizenship but never renounce their ideologies?

My intent for this program was to show more of how our governments (local, state and federal,) businesses and churches are in violation of 18 USC Ch. 115 but as often happens, the wind changes and one must tack accordingly to navigate these shifting winds and the tides of our times. As you know, I will adlib in the program as I work through the content in this newsletter. So please listen to the program and use the newsletter as reference material.

Adjusting for the Wind

I am making this last minute insert into the beginning of this program. Take full account that just this Wednesday, the Folly of the House of Representatives: ‘House GOP Passes Controversial Bill Labeling Certain Christian Scriptures as ‘Antisemitic,’ Sparking Fears of Criminalizing Religious Beliefs.’ I call it folly based on the Wester 1828 dictionary definition as:

1. Weakness of intellect; imbecility of mind. Want of understanding.

 A fool layeth open his folly Proverbs 13:16.

2. A weak or absurd act not highly criminal; an act which is inconsistent with the dictates of reason, or with the ordinary rules of prudence. In this sense it may be used in the singular, but is generally in the plural. Hence we speak of the follies of youth.

3. An absurd act which is highly sinful; any conduct contrary to the laws of God or man; sin; scandalous crimes; that which violates moral precepts and dishonors the offender. Shechem wrought folly in Israel. Achan wrought folly in Israel. Genesis 34:7. Joshua 7:15.

4. Criminal weakness; depravity of mind.

This ‘Antisemitic Act’ is once again reactionary legislation with gross unintended consequences lurking with 1st Amendment assaults on Pastors and Christianity in general. Once again, Speaker Johnson is showing he lives for the god of government and not his Christian claims. The legislation does nothing to deal with the underlying subversion, sedition or even treason being foisted on We The People by business subversive collusion with politicians, the subversive collusion of leftist in the press, the subversive collusion of politicians and bureaucrats with foreign agents who hate our Constitutional Republic. But we know that the guilty can never see their crimes and nothing will be changed.

Consider what a key President Kennedy advisor wrote regarding the implementation of Fabian socialism in the U. S. Taken from None Dare Call It Treason, 1964:

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., a Harvard professor and ADA-founder, was Kennedy’s special assistant. In 1947, Schlesinger wrote:

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Episode 439:Covenanted Of and With Hell

See the link for the video of ‘Covenanted Of and With Hell’ at Rumble or YouTube

We have tens of millions who are employed by the Federal and States governments that have made a Covenant Of and With Hell.

How can I make such a sharp and accusatory statement? The law for all federalOath breaker employees requires an ‘oath’ according to 5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office. Not only that, every State has similar requirements for any government job or appointments. This is fact that individuals are calling upon their ‘god’ to affirm their ethical commitment to the execution of their duties.

You are whining, ‘Come on Tom, that is ridiculous about what an oath is or means. It is all just words.’ My retort: ‘Is it? Is an oath not a covenantal action?’

Here is 5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines an oath as:

A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates1 his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.

Who of you that have government employment or appointments of any nature understand the context of the oath you took as defined by Webster’s dictionary? Better yet, who is the god that you declared your oath to? To what god do you execute your duty with the full intent of fulfilling your oath? Continue reading

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Episode 438: Mercy, Lawfare and Discouragements – It’s On You To Do

See the link for the video of ‘Mercy, Lawfare and Discouragements’ at Rumble or YouTube

This weeks program ‘Mercy, Lawfare and Discouragements’ is straight out of the predictive works of Mercy Otis Warren and the sharp arguments during the 1760’s of Samuel Adams.

Mercy is predictive of our present in her work ‘Observations on the New Constitution By a Columbian Patriot,’ 1788. I will highlight the fundamentals that are distinctives of liberty,History of Mercy slavery, tyranny and despotism brought on by a Centralized government allowed for in the framework of the Constitution. Mercy lays it out plainly in this Anti-federalist pamphlet.

Sam Adams being an older contemporary of Mercy, grinds into preventative policy to advert the lawfare of 1764 as well as the discouragements to commerce, liberty, property and civil society in the Letter of Instruction to those elected to the Massachusetts Colonial House of Representatives.

History No Longer

History no longer holds any significance in ensuring that enshrined principles of governing humanity in a republic matter. In fact, as clearly pointed out in my programs over the last month, political and economic theology are rooted in the humanism of the last one-hundred years. Even more so now, the ‘progressives’ not only desire but are fully wiping fundamental history, virtue, morals and principles out of the common mechanisms of education, business, government and yes, even religion.

The Following is a direct quote from the Preface of ‘The Biblical Structure of History’ by Gary North, pages xii and xiii.

C. Gregg ‘Singer’s essay was titled “The Problem of Historical Interpretation.” He began his essay with this paragraph:

Some five years ago at an annual meeting of the American Historical Association the writer had the occasion to meet informally with a group of the more famous historians in attendance at that conference. The subject under discussion was the meaning and purpose of history. These half-dozen scholars were of the opinion that history lacks any decisive meaning and any discernible purpose. The writer then posed to this group of distinguished scholars one question: If this be the case, then why do we teach history? The scholars looked at him with surprise and even disgust, but no answer was forthcoming from any of them. The group broke up as each went to his own particular luncheon group and discussion of various phases of a subject which they could not really justify as part of a college curriculum and yet which they continue to teach as if the knowledge of it had some inherent value.

In the second paragraph, he drew a conclusion regarding the world of humanist academia:

This incident is by no means unique. The professional historians in this country and in Europe have come to the place where they have little faith in the subject to which they have devoted their lives. Historians with increasing and distressing frequency are openly admitting that history has no meaning and shows little or no purpose or goals. But neither is this anti-intellectual attitude peculiar to the professional historians. The existentialist and positive philosophies have entered into the thinking of most areas of human thought and activity with devastating results. In conjunction with the Freudian school in psychology, they have made irrationalism and anti-intellectualism fashionable and have virtually removed the concepts of purpose and meaning from the thinking of many historians and those who proclaim themselves to be “social scientists.”

His assessment was correct. Leading historians in 1970 no longer had faith that history reveals any authoritative meaning or purpose. This lack of faith is far more widespread today. It had been building for half a century before Singer wrote his essay.’

Just my 2¢ is that defining and teaching history is now the scripting of ideologist instead of researched fact with foundation.

Starting with Mercy  Continue reading

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Episode 437: Theology Matters – Sodom 2.0

See the link for the video of ‘Theology Matters – Sodom 2.0’ at Rumble or YouTube

It is without any doubt and obvious to any person with good reasoning that theology matters in all things, especially governance. Two weeks ago I posited

Theology Matters

What is the Oath taken to? Do they live by the Creed of their god(s)?

the concept of a Christian Nationalist Congress. With the fact that Congress is made up of so many Christians, they should be governing as principled moral persons in a Christian Republic. Well, based on analyzing their theologies, I should say the theologies and teachings of their pastors, Congress is governing according to their corrupt and heretical Sadducee like perverse theologies.

Contrasting the o’Biden Declaration of this past Easter with the Founding Presidents and early states governors, one can find, with simple search engine quarries, that previous Presidents from the foundation of the Republic, made declarations of prayer, fasting, thanksgiving and humiliation a respected and dutiful occasion. Yes, o’Biden’s theology prompted his March 31st 2024 declaration.

More Than Opening Comments

Now, As noted two weeks ago, expounded in this weeks programs first segment, I will give a more clear picture as to why Congress is all over the map in policy and law, not just in economics but in every other aspect of what it has assumed control over.

Let me begin with the foundational truth that the Federal government by acts of Congress have become what Hamilton and other deep rooted Federalists dreamed of, a Consolidated national government. To repeat, The Anti-federalists warned of this.

Why is this topic important? Simple, the media, liberal pastors, academics and political leaders have now become the spiritual leaders declaring what is scripturally correct. Just to get a quick perspective, see the opening to Bannons War Room Episode 3506: The Lefts Expunging Of Whiteness Out Of The Evangelical Movement. This is just the tip of the many icebergs colliding in the sea of confusion and demagoguery established by these decedents of self-aggrandized demigods. Hmmm, I guess the genetics of the Naphalim are those on main stream media and more. Continue reading

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Episode 436 – Speaker Johnson’s Failures Leading To Complete Economic Thralldom – Herding The CIN

See the link for the video of ‘Speaker Johnson’s Failures Leading To Complete Economic Thralldom – Herding The CIN’ at Rumble or YouTube

Last weeks program is missing since I had a lot of study to prepare for this weeks ‘Speaker Johnson’s Failures Leading To Complete Economic Thralldom – Herding The CIN.’economic thralldom - herding the CIN Johnson is Herding the CIN problem in the House of Representatives. More on CIN in ‘The Rest of The Story Section.’ The reality is that his failures have begun at the pulpit of every Congressional Member ‘identifying’ as Christian. According to the referenced #3 Pew Report, we have a great majority which have ‘identified’ as a Christian Congress. Does this mean we have Christian Nationalism?

I take the position of failure for Speaker Johnson in that the economic policies as well as the majority of legislation being brought forward for passage in the House, is not in alignment with his adult life efforts at the Alliance Defending Freedom, nor his time with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is not alone in these failures of policy and law. There are many particular failures stampeding the Citizenry into economic thralldom. These failures also extend to the numerous Protestants and few Catholics in Congress, who but for a few, ‘identify’ with a god/religion contrary to Foundational Christianity. Therefore, they act and vote according to the theology of that or those contrarian god(s). Along with these National Congressional Christians, don’t forget the multitudes of bureaucrats across all levels of governance who ‘identify’ as Christian but bow to another by doing the bidding of that god – the state.

Down the Rabbit Hole

Regarding the topics of Economic Thralldom, Economic Theology and Congress Members ‘identifying’ as Christian is a major rabbit hole, or I should say black hole, that I can easily run us all deeply down into. Additionally in the Reference section, there is a lot of information as to what real and meaningful legislation or resolutions Speaker Johnson sponsored – Well, not so meaningful, just typical for the Establishment feel good or tweaking law type stuff. Again, you can go to the references to see what he sponsored, co-sponsored and how he voted during his time in Congress.

All I can asses respecting Speaker Johnson’s failures and the 118th Congress is that we have and can expect ‘more of the same road apples in the parade with no shovels and buckets that followup on the droppings.’ Imagine that marching band, never breaking formation having to follow on.

The following quote I am presenting next is not out of place for this week. When you really have a complete understanding of the full content of this posting: That of the Majority of Members in Congress being Christian.

Sam Adams wrote: Continue reading

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Episode 435: No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5

See the link for the video of ‘No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5 is the last segment in this series regarding Church and State Theological Polity Muddle. Some of you are wiping your brows with thankful relief that this series is over. Yet, the facts, no, the reality is that Church and State have their theologies muddled (see definitions), which then formulates their polity (see definitions).

No truth No reason

As anyone watching the various forms of programing / media available as well as the masterful grand manipulation of the global masses via the ChicomFlu, it is obvious humanity, especially U. S. Citizens have lost their abilities to know Truth and Reason reality. Across the board people have been manipulated through the polity of government, the state, as well as regarding cultural concerns, manipulated through the polity of the church.

Our present was warned of by Francis Schaeffer in his 1976 book, The Church at the End of the 20th Century.

This week I am melding common themes of the Anti-federalist with the sections from Schaeffer that pointed to our present in such detail that it is no wonder that we are under condemnation. All the cards were laid on the table and the Christians, particularly in the U. S. never took a seat at the table let alone looked at what was laid out.

Opening ‘Comments

Let the Anti-federalist Alfred begin, (my emphasis added in bold underline)

…when I see these things, I cannot be brought to believe that America is in that deplorable ruined condition which some designing politicians represent; or that we are in a state of anarchy beyond redemption, unless we adopt, without any addition or amendment, the new constitution proposed by the late convention; a constitution which, in my humble opinion, contains the seeds and scions of slavery and despotism. When the volume of American constitutions1 [by John Adams] first made its appearance in Europe, we find some of the most eminent political writers of the present age, and the reviewers of literature, full of admiration and declaring they had never before seen so much good sense, freedom, and real wisdom in one publication. Our good friend Dr. [Richard] Price was charmed, and almost prophesied the near approach of the happy days of the millennium. We have lived under these constitutions; and, after the experience of a few years, some among us are ready to trample them under their feet, though they have been esteemed, even by our enemies, as “pearls of great price.”

Let us not, ye lovers of freedom, be rash and hasty. Perhaps the real evils we labor under do not arise from these systems. There may be other causes to which our misfortunes may be properly attributed. Read the American constitutions, and you will find our essential rights and privileges well guarded and secured. May not our manners be the source of our national evils? May not our attachment to foreign trade increase them? Have we not acted imprudently in exporting almost all our gold and silver for foreign luxuries? It is now acknowledged that we have not a sufficient quantity of the precious metals to answer the various purposes of government and commerce; and without a breach of charity, it may be said, that this deficiency arises from the want of public virtue, in preferring private interest to every other consideration.

What I am tying together from this quote to Schaeffer’s book are the points on ‘designing politicians,’ ‘state of anarchy,’ ‘the seeds and scions of slavery and despotism,’ the two bolded/underlined questions as well as the ‘want of public virtue.’

There is a good number of developing points that Schaeffer brings to bear in Chapters 6 (the threat of silence) and Chapter 7 (modern man the manipulator) that are critical to our present and representative of what the Anti-federalists warned concerning ‘designing men or politicians,’ as well as respecting ‘truth.’

I will say it straight out: Our destructive state and national governments and bureaucracies, being as Webster notes, ‘Every branch of our civil polity supports and is supported, regulates and is regulated by the rest.’ are now so entwined as the Gordian Knot, it will take a sword of Reformation and Revival to cut through so that the truth of liberty can make a constitutional republic function again.

The Rest of The Story

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Episode 434: From Commerce to The Christian Republic – Part 4 – Ezra Stiles

See the link for the video of ‘From Commerce to The Christian Republic – Part 4: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

This week in From Commerce to The Christian Republic, Ezra Stiles gives us details ofPart 4 foundational government, government lead by idolaters, deist or Christians. I finish off this part of ‘Church and State Theological Polity Muddle, by ending Dr. Stiles sermon in which he gives a deep study regarding international history and the great potential positive effects of the full extensibility of Christianity in every aspect of governance. Most Christians or pastors have never heard of any of this.

I am opening this program with a question form a listener and Board Member regarding the third Segment of Episode 429. As it turns out, this is a perfect segue into this weeks program regarding the second section that Stiles is emphasizing, The Christian Republic. Yes, this sermon is a detailed account of American and international history regarding what we now hear as ‘Christian Nationalism.’

Before I get into the opening, It is most important that you hear from the Editor of ‘Pulpits Of The Revolution.’ Dr. Thornton, in his 1876 Preface states:

THE true alliance between Politics and Religion is the lesson inculcated in this volume of Sermons, and apparent in its title, “THE PULPIT OF THE REVOLUTION.” It is the voice of the Fathers of the Republic, enforced by their example. They invoked God in their civil assemblies, called upon their chosen teachers of religion for counsel from the Bible, and recognized its precepts as the law of their public conduct. The Fathers did not divorce politics and religion, but they denounced the separation as ungodly. They prepared for the struggle, and went into battle, not as soldiers of fortune, but, like Cromwell and the soldiers of the Commonwealth, with the Word of God in their hearts, and trusting in him. This was the secret of that moral energy which sustained the Republic in its material weakness against superior numbers, and discipline, and all the power of England. To these Sermons – the responses from the Pulpit – the State affixed its imprimatur, and thus they were handed down to future generations with a two-fold claim to respect.

Therefore, in our Founding Era Christian principled leadership prevailed. Now, at best, deist humanism prevails, even with the Evangelicals in politics, bureaucracies, judiciary and business.

I wonder, how many pulpits are really full of deist1 masquerading as Evangelicals? Worse, for the most part, modern pulpits are not even a clouded remote reflection of the comments by Dr. Thornton regarding ‘The Pulpit Of The Revolution.

Opening ‘Comments

Continuing with the Referenced Sermon pdf, starting on page 19 and then after detailing the economic value, growth and abilities of the newly formed States, Stiles goes on to give great homage to George Washington and other foundational leaders, including Samuel Adams. He even gives details on American inventions and inventors.

Then, as Dr. Stiles moves into Section II of the sermon, he sets the presupposition for the best form of government, that is even beneficial for secularists. He knows the unregenerate human heart and mind in governing as with: Continue reading

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Episode 433: Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle – Ezra Stiles

See the link for the video of ‘Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

This week in Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle, Ezra Stiles gives us details of foundational Nationalism, I might add Christian to the to that. Stiles gives a deep study regarding national and international history that most have never heard.Nationalism

Yes, nations are judged as we are in this present time. Stiles lays this out with clear understanding.

Through Stiles we will cover the plight of the illegals rapacious flooding of our borders with historical context of enslaved people moving from one set of masters to another. In this 1783 sermon, I also cover the very tip of the iceberg for the Biblical foundation of ‘Just War Theory / Theology.’

And for this week, I am only covering the first twenty pages of the fifty-three page sermon. Therefore, I will be ending where it really begins to highlight A Nation elevated to Glory and Honor.

I have to speedily take you into all that Stiles introduced in these first twenty pages. There is historical significance you will not get anywhere else, and yes, pastors never get this unless they have a heart and mind to understand the full extensibility of God’s sovereignty.

Opening Comments

A quote from the sermon for you to chew on and then a bit of a bio on Rev. Ezra Stiles. Continue reading

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Episode 432 – Civil War: Part 2 – Church and State Theological Polity Muddle

See the link for the video of ‘Civil War? Part 2 – Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube

With all that is happening at the border and more, I delve into the present rumblings of Civl War – Part 2 – Church and State Theological Polity Muddle. I finish with Mayhew, who discusses what civil warCivil War would do to the nation. Remember that the Colonies were part of the nation of Great Britain. The American Revolution was actually a Civil War. Consider Reference #1 by John Kudla below.Mayhew does delve into what it is to ultimately understand God given Rights and act accordingly to preserve them?

Our Citizenry, for the most part, have no realistic clue as to the fundamentals of God given Rights. Those bellowing and blowing in the wind are humanistic statists, on the ‘left’ and ‘right’. Therefore they view Rights relativistically, having no moral order from the existence of a Biblical God who is active in His creation. Therefore, unlike the Citizens during the founding era, indigenous (the Webster 1828 definition) US Citizens are not prepared for Civil War or even defending the Republic from political enemies and those now here from the border invasion (read This Weeks News Articles Resources #2.)

Mayhew establishes the ‘Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate’ in how the Stamp Act was addressed. What does that mean for us when the Citizenry and those serving in any level of government activities have zero to limited comprehension of how to apply this foundational truth?

Ezra Stiles opened his sermon, which we will discuss next week, with:

These events have been so ordered as to become a display of retribution and sovereignty; for, while the good and evil hitherto felt by this people have been dispensed in the way of exact national retribution, their ultimate glory and honor will be of the divine sovereignty, with a “Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord, be it known unto you, but for mine holy name’s sake.”

What Stiles preached is very true even for our present situations. Continue reading

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