Tag Archives: Reformation Principles

8-15-20 John MacArthur – Too Little Too Late

John MacArthur – Too Little Too Late: The Forgotten de Mornay – The Right Man On Time

Too Little Too Late  Too Little Too Late

Is it Too Little Too Late for the stance of John MacArthur in resisting the tyrants of government in California? Over the years of his time in the pulpit he has more often told congregations across these United States to NOT become involved in politics or that which is associated with it. I heard him speak a number of years ago telling a large congregation that ‘Christians should not be involved in politics.’ He as well as other major pastors have minimized and worse neglected the extensibility of Biblical truth, which should affect every aspect of life, including the political, social, economic and cultural arenas. Sadly, there are predominant pastors which are part of a coalition that is and has been at times overtly catering to ‘cultural Marxism’ and more – see The Gospel Coalition’s Bamboozling Act.

As I have discussed for the last thirty plus years, The Church is to be victorious in every aspect of where we are placed. This is not a ‘name it and claim it’ concept. It is the eschatology of the Reformers and especially the Puritans that settled the northern colonies of America. Since the mid-1800’s the universalism of the ‘social gospel’ and what I have called ‘roof top eschatology,’ has removed the American foundational view of developing a ‘moral and virtuous people’ to lead in every aspect of governance – beginning with the family. Continue reading

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11-16-19 Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance

Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance

Confusion into governance

Pic on Right is a Modified Bob Connoly Cartoon

This week I am taking a first pass in my study of Calvinism 2.0. Also, I have to bring us back to Sam Adams perspective that ALL Governance is Local. So, I did title the program, “Calvinism 2.0 – Local Governance” in that it is required to have an understanding on how all governance should function in relationship to ones True understanding of the extensibility of Biblical Reformation Reality.

Sam Adams fully understood this as proven by his moniker “the Last Puritan”. To that, I have included in the references, the Congregational Quarterly, January 1869, which has a great article titled “Samuel Adams, the Last of the Puritans.” Notably, the nation in 1869 had already experienced the forethought of disappointment that Sam Adams envisioned for the Republic without a Puritan mindset. Now look at the mess we are in! Our mess is even further from the glorious hopes of that “Last Puritan” basically because of what he predicted would happen if the pulpits lost their Sound Theology of Reformation purism. Continue reading

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4-20-19 Christian Resistance and Disobedience Today

Introduction: Christian Resistance

Most important this week is the remembrance that mankind is sinful and that God had always planned for salvation to those He calls. This weekend is that calendared time to remember what the Godhead did for us in the death and Resurrection of Jesus.

With that, I don’t expect many or any to take the time to listen to the program. Therefore I am providing a program that I did in August of 2015. The reality is that good governance begins with good governors: individually, at home, in the work place, in bureaucracies, and in elected offices. The problem over the last 150 years is that Christians, especially evangelicals have dismissed the extensibility of the Gospel and left action required to influence all the a fore mentioned aspects of human life.

To that end, we have the right to resist despots and tyrants being the overlords of a nation as these United States.

The Original Program titled “Christian Resistance and Disobedience Today” is at this link location

Christian Resistance:

There are a lot of speakers and authors out there that talk about this. This program is a rerun for 2015 so the tyrant that was freely elected is no longer in office as President but that does not mean that there are not tyrants still in political offices, businesses or bureaucracies.

But, the modern pulpits have not raised up men and women of God that understand the full perspective of engaging the culture and political environment. Therefore, the leadership that should be governing is obviated by social justice warrior and the false narrative of tolerance; to the extent that immorality and evil is subsuming the the rightful place of peaceful living that our Constitutional Republic guarantees.

So the theology of Christian Resistance is not understood. It really means Christian Leadership but…. the pulpits have not developed much of that over the last 150 years.

Disobedience Today:

I will just leave it at this: Go read the Chaplains and Clergy Of The Revolution. Then apply the principles to the present.

Our action Item

is to understand our Christian Founders like Sam Adams who knew what true Christian Resistance is.

And because you keep asking!


The video of the program is at the SamuelAdamsReturns YouTube channel

1. What I’m reading to my grandkids.

For my grandkids and you:

I am now just over half way through reading the chapters on YouTube.

The Chaplains and Clergy of The Revolution Compiled by J. T. Headley, 1864 My reading of the Book on YouTube: The Chaplains and Clergy of The Revolution

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8-4-18 Sam Adam 1764 and John Knox Appellation

The fact and reality is: That Christians in the these United States are to be full Participants, Actively, in governing. Sam Adams exemplifies this in his penning of the “INSTRUCTIONS OF HE TOWN OF BOSTON TO ITS REPRESENTATIVES IN THE GENERAL COURT. MAY, 1764”, which according to the Colonial Charters set up participatory self-rule for the citizenry. Not only is it necessary to participate in self-governance but it is fact that a community, a county, a State and Nation can legislate morality. If they do not then the citizenry allows immorality to become the law to the detriment of the general community.

Now, This ‘Instruction’ addressed the despotism coming from the mother country and required responses via the ‘Lesser Magistrates’ elected by the people, most of whom were in fact Christians, to address the issues at had to the national government and the King. Those issues being Morality, Religious Liberty, Commerce and Manufacturing.

Since Sam Adams studied John Knox, Calvin and the other Reformers – He knew that the process of redress through the elected is proper even mandatory in a ‘Representative’ form of governance. Adams clearly addresses the ‘English Constitutionality’ of the people as sovereigns and the Reformation Principle of ‘Appealing’ to the ‘Lesser Magistrates’ to further the Liberty and happiness of the general public.

It is beyond comprehension and an absolute misrepresentation of Biblical Reformation and Colonial Principles for pastors, priest and rabbi’s to tell their congregations that they should ‘not be involved’, ‘fully submit to the government authority’, and ‘pay your taxes without complaint’. When tyranny and despotism are obvious and those elected are not acting as the agents of the Moral Sovereign of the Universe – Then is in this Constitutional Republic the absolute right and responsibility to call for redress and actively act against tyranny and despotism.

We have so much more to learn from our Founders and their original intent for good governance which is based on Reformation Biblical Principles.

Join me on the program to value the Founders perspective of the mirrors of history and the reality of the present.

And because you keep asking!

References: Continue reading

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Immigration, Invasion, Insurrection and Constitutionalism

By Tom Niewulis (Alter-ego Samuel Adams)

Issues!  Conspiracy!  Scandals! Deceptions!  Collusion’s!   Immigration!

Through all the blast of the media and the rhetoric of Congress to the standing on solid ground of a partially staffed Administration – not a single soul is talking about what the realities of fact and truth are in functional governance – under actual Constitutionalism.

In preparing for my radio program it became evident again that the emotionalism of all the media completely distorts any ability to get to the heart of the matter – How is our Constitutional Republic Intended to function? Frankly, those in government and even the super self-serving lawyers in Congress don’t understand nor do they want to. They have become so dependent on the donors and lobbyists that they have thrown the concepts of Constitutionalism deep in the sub-basement of the Capital and all the marble bureaucratic buildings in D.C.

How Dare I say this? Simple, I know how to read and reading the Federalist Papers alone gives clear intention (Intent) for how governance should function in the Republic. So before we get to the core issues as indicated by the title let us get one thing very clear: every pundit, talk show host/hostess, politician or bureaucrat that calls this nation a democracy should be heavily chastised, have their ears rung and be thrown out the door for manifesting their ignorance or subversive ideologies. Why? Because we are a Constitutional Republic (period)! If you cannot get that correct then you have no capacity to understand how this nation should function! Continue reading

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11-4-17 Reformation 500 Yrs and Magdeburg Confession

Last Sunday was the global celebration of the Reformations 500 year anniversary. This is one of the most memorable events in all of history in that it re-established the truth of the salvation of man from sin only through the Grace of God and only in Faith in Jesus the Christ. But what was not often spoken of in congregations regarding the Reformation is what it means socially and politically. The Reformation also challenged the rightful authority of kingship of humans and re-established the existence of the only rightful hierarchy of political authority again being in King Jesus.

The story of this plays out in the siege of Magdeburg and the Magdeburg Confession – One little city holding out and winning against the ‘Holy Roman Empire’. It is also about the true understanding of Romans 13 and the Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrate. You see, the Founding Fathers of America understood every aspect of the Reformation. Samuel Adams studied theology before he studied law. He had a clear understand of these Principles that are true from Genesis to Revelations and every aspect of governance in the context of corruptible human kind.

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9-16-17 Attack On Christianity: It’s Your Fault!

Attack On Christianity: It’s Your Fault!

This week the attacks on morality, Francis Scott Key, Constitutionalism and Christianity got the best of me. I have been deep diving into the writings by yes, the cousin of Sam, John Adams. I have read John Adams several times and referenced him as well. I am always impressed with his letters to his wife and Thomas Jefferson; His keen intellect regarding the law, Constitutionalism and Christianity. To the extent that he wrote: “Let them revere nothing but religion, morality and liberty.” – Letter to Abigail Adams (15 April 1776)

Instead of referring more of what John Adams wrote, today I speak about my continuing study in Jeremiah. I am still intent on recording an exhortation on Jeremiah but that is for another day.

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4-22-17 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre to Trump: Policy Matters

Over the last two weeks I have been working on the various textual materials for SACPS.org from source writing about or directly by Sam Adams. I have been focusing on the topic of policy development. In doing this I had to do my standard ‘go down the rabbit hole’ in following the extensibility of Sam Adams knowledge base. During that journey is were I came to a comparison of Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos (translated: A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants) and its similarity to “An supremo Magistratui resistere liceat, si aliter servari Respublica nequit?” – Sam Adams Masters Thesis translated “Whether it be lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved?”

This then takes us into who and what many are in the US, and yes, even patriots fit the descriptions of my friend from the past Alex De Tocqueville. Yupper, He’s the first one to talk about the ‘sheeple!” We learn, that the socialist / communist of 1850 are the same as today and De Tocqueville cannot describe their tyranny and despotism in democracies or republics in the historic manner. No, he goes one further and describes our present government – “Elected Guardians.”

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12-3-16 America – Always a Populist Movement

The Radio Show promotion description:

It has been a long time since I looked at the hard copy of “The Founders’ Constitution,” which is published by the University of Chicago. I didn’t want to read it online like I usually do but use put my fingers to paper. I pulled Volume 1 of 5 off the book shelve and began my usual read and underline. I was shocked in one way as I read through the core primary document list including Edmund Burke’s speech of 1775. I concluded that America was absolutely a land of Liberty based on a ‘Populist Movement.’

I won’t have the time to cover everything on today’s program but I am going to give you the links to the primary discussion point Burke’s speech, the original Massachusetts Constitution and the Founders’ Constitution itself.

For today, I begin the discussion that just as the period prior to the revolution and throughout our Republics life, the core of Liberty is based on the continuum of populism. BUT! And a big but it is… we have only the recessive gene of that original intent. The full measure of the DNA is rooted in what Burke said:

“First, the people of the colonies are descendants of Englishmen. England, Sir, is a nation, which still I hope respects, and formerly adored, her freedom. The colonists emigrated from you when this part of your character was most predominant; and they took this bias and direction the moment they parted from your hands. They are therefore not only devoted to liberty, but to liberty according to English ideas, and on English principles.”

And then most importantly and missing in it full influence today –

“If anything were wanting to this necessary operation of the form of government, religion would have given it a complete effect. Religion, always a principle of energy, in this new people is no way worn out or impaired; and their mode of professing it is also one main cause of this free spirit. The people are Protestants; and of that kind which is the most adverse to all implicit submission of mind and opinion. This is a persuasion not only favourable to liberty, but built upon it.”

The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life! Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Full Promo with References

All Three radio Segments into one podcast feeds.

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11-5-15 Get out the Vote – Liberty in the Balance

The Radio Show promotion description:

Today I am very passionate about the root of what has been occurring during this last push in the effort to retain our Liberty. I’m discussing the root of Liberty, as our Founders – especially Sam Adams, clearly understood it. That being the roots established in the Reformation!

I’m not ashamed or shy about identifying that evil has been allowed to propagate in this Republic because the pastors have not made Reformation truth extensible into every aspect of life including education and politics. With the lack of our Founders desire for a moral and virtuous people, the battle for the Republic should have started in the pulpits.

Nor am I shy about telling those who have been in the Patriot movement since the ‘70’s, as myself, that becoming sanctimonious now is turning their backs on what they were seeking since those early engagements against socialism, communism, globalism and elitism domestically. The full exposure of the inner workings of the enemies of the Republic can now be confronted by a force that once was in the valley of the shadow, confronted and then steps taken to return to Founders Intent. Because we did not raise many champions of Liberty in the moral and virtuous nature defined by our Founders, those that could have engaged in the mire of the swamp without being caught in the quicksand on the edges – the swamp as predicted by the Anti-federalists over the course of the last 60 years is a complete picture of their warnings – We now must be encouraged by a champion that has seen a greater cause then himself and has risen out of the swamp to fight the alligators and the venomous snakes that he’s lived amongst. This is the last hope for the Republic to move in a direction of reform according to Foundational Principles.

Yes, the fight will be grueling since even the majority of those in the Republican Party are swamp monsters too. We who call ourselves true seekers of the Word and Patriots must reach a hand to this new Champion that refuses to give up and is willing to stand on the small island of hope that remains, being our Constitution as intended, as he looks to us to us accountability to help drain the swamp!

I do make an appeal that you listen today if you never have before. If you have been a regular listener, “Thank You”! Based on what is at stake with the Supreme Court, this is the most critical election since the delegates were elected in 1774. The parallels in history are discussed in today. We are fighting for Liberty no different then the time of the Revolution.

The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life! Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Full Promo with References

All Three radio Segments into one podcast feeds.

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