Tag Archives: Oath of office

Episode 439:Covenanted Of and With Hell

See the link for the video of ‘Covenanted Of and With Hell’ at Rumble or YouTube

We have tens of millions who are employed by the Federal and States governments that have made a Covenant Of and With Hell.

How can I make such a sharp and accusatory statement? The law for all federalOath breaker employees requires an ‘oath’ according to 5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office. Not only that, every State has similar requirements for any government job or appointments. This is fact that individuals are calling upon their ‘god’ to affirm their ethical commitment to the execution of their duties.

You are whining, ‘Come on Tom, that is ridiculous about what an oath is or means. It is all just words.’ My retort: ‘Is it? Is an oath not a covenantal action?’

Here is 5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines an oath as:

A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates1 his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.

Who of you that have government employment or appointments of any nature understand the context of the oath you took as defined by Webster’s dictionary? Better yet, who is the god that you declared your oath to? To what god do you execute your duty with the full intent of fulfilling your oath? Continue reading

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Episode 317: 9-11 Forgotten, Afghanistan Forgotten : COVID Forever

Episode 317

Video available on Rumble Here

9-11 Forgotten, Afghanistan Forgotten – History Unremembered: COVID Forever

9-11 Forgotten is not a saga if you are over 30. It is a reality that the Pew Report in the References quantifies. The root cause of Afghanistan Forgotten is only for those over 50. With the present educational system History Unremembered is the now and future. More importantly for the observing, COVID is Forever.

That which is Forgotten is not only the event of the time but all the emotion that is tied to it. I discuss the NPR article about children of 9-11 parents. What is a lasting debacle of 9-11 Forgotten are all the after effects in the social and political arenas that have the greatest far reaching consequences. The tragic event on 9-11 is an unsettling for Constitutionalism, Faith and Individuals. The political decisions of the time has given those who capitalize on tragedy decades of social, cultural, political and yes spiritual leverage over the Citizenry who do not understand how government should function.

These elite planners and techno-oligarchs have reshaped the United States at the Federal level and are working tirelessly on doing the same in every sovereign State. It is imperative to go through this history and what to do next.

What have you Forgotten or worse, been molded to Un-remember? Continue reading

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Episode 316: False Flags and Raging Bulls

False Flags and Raging Bulls  False Flag and Raging Bulls

On Rumble at this link

False Flags and Raging Bulls are at every turn in the political and ecclesiastical road. With all the false media, government claims of insurrection and pundits yelping all over the air waves and digital platforms, I’m reminded of the Spanish bull bloody and weak from banderillas snorting with fierceness in the eyes but slow to respond to the reality before it. False Flags are the banderillas that the afore-mentioned piercing deep into the psyche of many Evangelicals and unwitting so called ‘patriots.’

With shoulders bleeding by over-burdened media noise, government mandates and wokeness everywhere, Patriots who are reactionary become the Raging Bulls weakened for the slaughter. How can this be stopped many have asked me?

Just a quick note: Look around and you will see people going crazy again by buying the shelves bare at the stores…. Why? And the stores cannot resupply… Why?

Don’t take the bait.Continue reading

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Episode 302: The Subversion of Oaths, Government and Liberty by Present Day Elected and Bureaucrats

The Subversion of Oaths, Government and Liberty by Present Day Elected and Bureaucrats  Oath-breakers

The Subversion of Oaths, Government and Liberty by Present Day Elected and Bureaucrats is a result of the change in the national religion. As you will read in the letters of Samuel Adams posted here, every aspect of a loss of liberty, property and life is contrasted between our present time and Sam’s writings.

Those serving in government and bureaucracies, who have given an ‘oath’ when entering into their offices, have no understanding of the foundational principles which Sam writes to be true and God designed. When it comes to principles, here is a quote that was to Thomas Jefferson in 1891:

‘No man can be fit to sustain an office who cannot consent to the principles by which he must be governed.’

I would like it to be noted that a carful reading of Sam Adams letter to the State Legislature and even Thomas Jefferson are full of Foundational governance principles as well as those root principles noted in Chapter XXII and XXIII of the Westminster Confession. Remember that Sam actually lived every aspect of his Puritan heritage and beliefs.

For this week your assignment is to read these letters and understand the fundamental principles of governance as well as the necessity to demand and even fight to know and retain our God given Rights. More so, school district board members should learn from Sam the fundamental core principles as quoted here: Continue reading

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