Tag Archives: SCOTUS

Episode 356: Unfaithful Guardians, Interview with Author Dave Welty

Unfaithful Guardians, Interview with Author Dave Welty

Unfaithful Guardians

The 3rd Edition is available

Unfaithful Guardians is a program that ran in 2018. In dealing with a family death of a Patriot, conversations with my Aunt would sometimes focus on the Supreme Court. With that, I am dedicating this program to her.

Bringing back a review of Unfaithful Guardians, written by Dave Welty is most appropriate considering the recent rulings of the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS).

In this is interview with Dave Welty, the author of “Unfaithful Guardians” is refreshing as well as it gives a great comparative to what is happening in the court now compared to the philosophical shifts over one hundred years ago. Dave has written a fantastic walk through history culminating in what flipped with the Judicial system and Supreme Court. His clear understanding of the 14th Amendment is deeply researched. He can clearly articulate the Original Intent established by the 39th Congress and the State Ratifying Conventions of the Day.

As always, remember: The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life! Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

Learn you State and the Federal Constitutions.

Sam Adams Wisdom

Regarding Elections and Education


[Independent Chronicle, January 30, 1797; a text is in the Massachusetts Archives].

…In pursuance of the provision in the Constitution, the people have recently exercised their own sovereign power in the election of another President. Elections to offices, even in the smallest Corporations, are and ought to be deemed highly important; of how much more importance is it, that elections to the highest offices in our extensive Republic, should be conducted in a manner and with a spirit becoming a free, virtuous and enlightened people, who justly estimate the value of their sacred rights.

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6-20-20 Political Theology – Escape From CHAZ

Escape From CHAZ Escape From CHAZ

I thought it appropriate to consider what is would be like to make the movie ‘Escape From CHAZ’. As I noted in last weeks program, I am not remotely surprised by the upheaval or the emergence of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone ‘CHAZ.’ As any of us who have been watching what has happened in education, particularly over the last fifty plus years, is the inculcation of Marxists agitation, the withdraws of Foundational Christianity from all of life and the expulsion of truthful foundational history.

To see the cauldron of cultivated indoctrination frothing and boiling over with the witches brew of anarchy and Bolshevism running the likes of CHAZ and the riots across the land is the utter failure of the establishment churches in these United States. The only means for an ‘Escape From CHAZ’ is another ‘Great Awakening’ with a foundational and historical – Biblical reformation of the churches in America. Bad theology is at the core of the unrest Continue reading

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