Tag Archives: corporatism

Episode 343: EIC The Originator of Corporate Subsidies to Net-Zero Corporate Forced Behavior and the Ruble Rules

EIC The Originator of Corporate Subsidies to Net-Zero Corporate Forced Behavior and the Ruble Rules  EIC

Video available on Rumble

This program on the ‘EIC the Originator of Corporate Subsidies’ is the beginning of a change in how I will be doing the program blog posts from now on. Instead of writing long paragraphs that often are more than the content of the audio and or video, I am moving to an outline format for the blog post. The audio will remain at the top of each post and the links to the video will remain at the top as well.

With the outline format you can get the basic content of what I am discussing on the program. You will be able look at my program notes seeing the content I prepared to talk about. With that, You can jump to the resources that could be associated to the outline and you will see that there is a lot more content in the outline than I have real time to cover in the 45 minute program.

And as always, Sam Adams Wisdom will continue in the blog post between the Outline and the References. For this week, Sam hits it hard regarding the Sovereignty of God and our dependence on Him in his August 1st speech regarding the Declaration of Independence. We need, we must grasp this truth and return to it (period).

For this week I want to emphasize two points regarding the Outline and what is on the actual program.

First is the program title component ‘the Ruble Rules.’ I will follow up on this for next week but, You really need to read the associated article because our monetary system is at a critical point. This could be a mechanism that makes inflation look like a gift if the US dollar is forced into deflation. Here is the quick link to the Ruble article. Continue reading

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Episode 325: Corporatocracy: Universities Making Vassals



Corporatocracy is the central focus for the first segment. I begin the journey with putting a wet rag on the exuberant cheers of Tuesdays elections. Folks need to keep their feets on the streets and awareness of corrupt elections at the forefront. This election was a set of national to local skirmishes with some good bloodied battles won.

Remember that this war is continuum that began in 1764 with the Sugar Act. Corporatocracy /Corporatism was a primary driver in the Independence movement in the Colonies from then until now. The elections in our present time are as influence by the same spirit and energy of the board rooms and investors as was true in the Courts of the Kings of England.

With this, I pray that where the wins for the repudican party are; The Citizens that were elected govern Constitutionally and not by party spirit. Hopefully the distribution of ‘Red Pills’ will continue with a devastating effect on the Matrix but we shall see as the next lines are formed for not just another skirmish but a major counter assault by revived moral constitutionalism. Continue reading

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Episode 322: Blue State Constitutions And More

Blue State Constitutions blue state constitutions

View Video of program on Rumble Here

Blue State Constitutions? Really? Blue States have Constitutions?

I know that it is hard to believe that States like California and New York actually have ‘State Constitutions.’ One would think that they are just extensions of the federal government bureaucracies and the D.C. Swamp. Well, in a Hamiltonian way they have become that consolidated, assimilated region of the Federal Government.

Believe it or not, the State Constitutions of California and New York have a Bill of Rights as their ‘first’ article. This is significant. Not only that, but the number of sections in theses constitutions is telling about what the Citizens of those states can claim.

Californians have the capacity to reform their state on the basis of Article I. New York not so much. I discuss this in the first segment.

Corporatism Corrupts State Constitutions

My focus for this weeks program is only on two of the Blue States, it is clear by all the policies that California and New York have done away with any Article I, their Bill of Rights, Citizen authority from their State Constitutions. The only thing remaining operational in those ‘covenants’ with the people are the processes of government. But that is another discussion for another day.

What is clear by the definitions from Last Weeks Program, is that local, national and global corporatism is the mechanisms of governing in these two Blue States.

The challenge to all in those state is to read, learn and act according to their Article I: Bill of Rights from their State Constitution.

Constitutions Are Covenant/Contract

While writing my book ‘From Covenant To The Present Constitution,’ I did a lot, and I mean a lot of study on covenant and contract. I attest that constitutions are in every sense of foundational and historical record, a covenant.

With that said, as I note on the podcast/vblog, Dr. Rushdoony, who many of you out there don’t like, does hit this one out of the part and right between your eyes into your thinking. Consider the following from; Introduction to the Law:

‘Before we begin our study of biblical law, however, it is important to recognize certain general facts concerning law. First of all, law in every culture, in every civilization is religious in origin. There is no place in the world where we can go where we can find law that is not religious. Law reflects what men believe to be is basically right and wrong in a society. It reflects the ideas of culture, of justice, of ultimacy.

Second, in any and every society, the source of law is the god of that society. The easiest place to locate the god of any system is to look to the source of law. If the courts are the source of law and there is no higher law beyond the courts, the courts have made themselves god, as is increasingly the case in our society. If the monarch rules absolutely and makes himself the ultimate lawgiver, then he is a god. If it is the people according to the theory of democracy, who are the source of law, then the people are the god of that system. In Marxism, it is the people as they find voice in the state. Mao Tse Tung has said our god is none other than the masses of the Chinese people, but the voice of this god can only be the communist party. In any and every law system, the source of law is the god of that society.

Third, it follows from this that any change of law, any change of law that affects the basic law structure of society is a change of religion, and this is exactly what we have been undergoing for the past generation or more in this country, a change of religion, and very steadily, our law system has been changed in order to provide us with another religion while we are assured that there is total toleration for all religions, but humanism is now the religion and provides the law system of our American society as it does of virtually every country in the world.

Fourth, it follows from this that there can be no disestablishment of religion in any society. You can disestablish a church, but you cannot disestablish religion. A society must either have the Christian religion established, or it will have a humanistic religion, or Buddhism, or Mohammedenism, or something else, because it must have a basic faith to provide the concept of justice, the moral code, the law system for that society. The attacks you find today in our courts on capital punishment, on restitution, on the idea that the criminal is guilty, or that the alcoholic is guilty, all these constitute an attack upon the biblical law system, and the biblical law system is being disestablished, together with Christianity, as the religion and law basis of American society as well as English, Canadian, French, German, all Western society.

Fifth, it follows from this that there can be no toleration in any law system for another religion. You can tolerate various churches of a particular religion, various interpretations, but you cannot tolerate another religion, because then you are saying that you are tolerating total revolution. You are tolerating the overthrow of your law system, of your political order, of everything. By tolerating humanism, this is exactly what we have done. Humanism is, at present, in the mopping up stages of its revolution against Christianity.’

Blue State Constitutions And More

One of the ‘And More’ for this weeks program are the points I discuss regarding the High-school girl arrested for not wearing a muzzle, I mean a mask, in class. So hold on to your hats Cowboys and Cowgirls because I discuss the Wyoming Constitution Article I: Bill of Rights and I don’t want you all to go packing up and moving to Wyoming after hearing what I have to say. Remember, repudican Liz Cheney represents the state, for now.

The Next ‘And More’, I go to my non-pulpit platform to once again bring the Truth that really matters not just the political historical mirrors of history. This is that the majority of Evangelicals over the last 80+ years have allowed the Country to fall into the hands of the enemy. Now the enemy begins in the spiritual realm but it is active in the world we live in. I’m asking you to watch this sermon; ‘A Christian Response To Mandatory Cookies’ by…. Not Doug Wilson… but by Jeff Durban. You’ll get a kick out of the Truth Jeff speaks since he was a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts.

Lastly in the ‘And More’ is the lightening round which covers: CA destruction of Article I ‘ private property,’ Crushing Suburban America – Also see – The Impact of SB 9 & 10 on California’s Single-Family Home; ‘the Beast’ in the EU, specially Lithuania; Poland’s POLEXIT; the Logistics backup issues (see References below) and a quick word at the end from Thomas Jefferson replying to articles written by Spencer Roane.

Constitutionalism or Reformation

For the newsletter, I am going to continue to hammer it home that the Pulpits and church leadership teams need to get some gonads.. I’m keeping this simple and reminding you of Madison and John Adams similar statement that ‘This Constitution is ONLY for a moral and religious people.’ We are not getting a moral and virtuous people that understand that Jesus is King and has ALL, read it fully, ALL Authority in Heaven AND On Earth.

Get the Reformation in the churches back to our Founders understanding of ‘Applied Reformation Truth and Principles,’ then Constitutionalism will be able to get back on course. Enough on that for now.

Ok, Now ‘Theology Among the Deplorables’ Listen and read here or watch here. I double dare you to do either.

Ohio Constitution Project

Now, we are going to begin a study group on the Ohio Constitution. I am going to have an introductory meeting early in December. So if you are interested and live in the Geauga or Lake Counties of Ohio, email me for more info.

This will be in conjunction with me being a part of a team developing a course on the Ohio Constitution. This course is as the national project by the Institute On The Constitution to ensure that there is a solid lecture series for each State.

For Ohio, to complete the printing and shooting the videos that will be associated with this course we need to raise $10,000.00 total. We have $1,000.00 in the kitty now so we need to raise $9,000 more. Contact me for the address to the Institute On The Constitution who holds the money in escrow for this effort.

Please see this page for more details on this Ohio and National Progects.

Because you keep asking –


Blue State Constitutions:

1. California Constitution, Article I

2. New York Constitution

3. New York 1821 Constitution

Not a Blue State Constitution:

4. Wyoming Constitution

And More:

1. Essays on the Constitution of the United States, Starting at Page 379, A Plain Dealer. By Spencer Roane. The Virginia Independent Chronicle, (Number 82) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1788.

2. Revolution of 1800

3. Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane (September 6, 1819)

4. Spencer Roane: The Forgotten Founder

5. Jeffersonian or Hamiltonian? By Murray N. Rothbard, 04/29/20019,

‘The battle between Jefferson and Hamilton, however, is of very great significance, and precisely because it represented a clash between two fundamentally contrasting systems of political principle. ‘

6. Defining Hamiltonianism vs. Jeffersonianism, by Curtis H. Stratton, Oct 15, 2020

Supply Chain:

A play on word in that the transportation and supply line mechanisms are now a ‘chain’ choking America.

1. A Guide To California’s Clean Air Regulations For Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles

2. Big rigs with older engines will be denied registration in California by the year 2020

3. Understanding the Impact of the California Truck and Bus Regulation, Thu, Mar 28, 2019 @ 07:30 AM / by Jerry Critchfield

4. I’m a California dock worker facing record cargo-ship backlogs. It’ll be catastrophic if things get worse.

5. California ports aren’t the only ones facing record backlogs of cargo ships — 3 other US ports have hit historic highs

6. Continue to Kill small and medium local businesses: Biggest U.S. Retailers Charter Private Cargo Ships to Sail Around Port Delays – Home Depot, Costco and Walmart resort to private charters in push to stock shelves for holiday shoppers

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Episode 321: Completed Federalization of Education, Business and Religion by Quasi-corporatism

Completed Federalization 

Completed Federalization

Video available on Rumble

Virus mandates, parents as domestic terrorists are all attempts at the Complete Federalization of every aspect of life in these United States. I want you to drop down to Reference number 5, (Anti-Federalist No. 33, Federal Taxation and the Doctrine of Implied Powers (Part II) (Brutus essay No. VI) – 27 December 1787,) where, although talking about taxation, the level of detail that Brutus writes about is encroachments of government in our time. So Citizens of the various States in the Republic, What is next?

What about ‘health care’? Where is it that service corporations, hospital systems, have greater rights than people that work there or those served by the system? How is it that State governments are codifying, giving these businesses greater rights than the Citizens of the State in violation of a States Constitution Bill of Rights?

What about ‘education’? How is it that the Department of Justice can initiate threats of domestic terrorism against Citizens for those Citizens acting and Constitutionally petitioning to hold the locally elected accountable?

What about ‘religion’? First one must distinguish between what is religion? Environmentalism is religion. Statism is religion. Oh, remember my program ‘Polytheism the Official United States Religion.’ Yet, the actions of Complete Federalization of religion set the determination of what is a ‘religious exemption’ in respect to statist mandates for controlling diseases.

On this program I discuss further this Complete Federalization of America through corporatism.

American Corporatism

On my second trip to Venezuela, I witnessed how Chavez’s Completed Federalization – Nationalization of all things. During that trip he ousted all US oil company personnel and kept the assets. He unreservedly consolidated all business, all things, into government. I was there when all was established with mechanisms that set regions as economic entities and people groups as components in those entities, while defining the boundaries of business rights over the people.

Was Chavez a socialist? A Communist? Or was he a Corporatist in the fashion that Benito Mussolini defined;

‘Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.’

In this program I am looking harder at the statement made by President Trump that ‘America will never become a socialist country.’ But what about a ‘Corporatist Country’?

In the section further down, I expand some of the references with key quotes and definitions as I take you through how ‘corporatism’ is the mechanism of controlling life at the State and even local level. A prime example in Ohio is the Vax Mandate legislation (HB 435) being rammed through by the Republican Leadership. That Ohio House Leadership, by virtue of their donors list, are owned by the corporatist, which they are attempting to protect and legislate special rights for these entities over the Ohio Article I Constitutional Rights of the Citizens. Corporatism? See the definition in the References section.

Quotes for You to Follow

My desire is that you not only listen to the podcast / video but that you dig into the references further down. Here are just a few quotes from the various references to arouse your interest. Can you picture the framework we are assembled in?

‘We let someone else decide what’s in and what’s out in clothes, cars, hairstyles, soft drinks, etc. We are more than willing to follow the trendsetters. We let someone else decide who gets to run for office and gets elected to office at local, state, and national levels. We don’t have time to waste on politics although we can find time to complain about the stupid decisions that politicians make and the taxes we have to pay to support them. We let someone else decide what kind of society we are going to have, which types of behavior are socially acceptable and which are not, what’s moral and ethical and what’s not.’ from Corporatization of America

‘The various interest groups interact with one another, and with the legislative and executive branches of the governments, in national (occasionally also regional) systems of interest intermediation, the organization of which follows distinct patterns. These patterns depend, among other things, on the respective intensities and traditions of democratic and parliamentary government, and state interventionism. They usually oscillate between the two poles of more liberal and market-oriented pluralism, and more regulated and institutionalized corporatism, be it in the authoritarian ‘state-corporatist’ tradition (mostly of fascist extraction) or in the democratic variant of ‘societal corporatism’ or ‘neocorporatism.’ from History of Interest Groups

‘Corporatism as well as the quasicorporatist functions of the ‘iron triangles’—since the economic crisis of the 1970s—seem to have been significantly weakened by the increased tendencies toward fragmentation and segmentation, of interests and politics, under the impact of decentralization and deregulation, loss of membership, ‘new lobbyism,’ and the emergence of new public interest groups. This is particularly the case in the USA, where in the late 1980s about 18,000 associations (and 7,000 lobbyists) were registered before Congress, in comparison with around 1,350 in Germany (cf. Petracca 1992).’ from History of Interest Groups

‘Although American citizens usually identify with several groups—their occupation, religion, educational background, and social and cultural preferences—those groups must pursue political influence in a financially driven, competitive system of associations, interest groups, and lobbying organizations. While voters are corralled into geographical representation and the two-party system, financially driven, group-based lobbying on behalf of particular industries flourishes. At the level of lobbying, corporate organization and political activity is easy wherever money flows freely; accordingly, many of our group interests go unrepresented. Our system is one of dilapidated corporatism—corporatism for me but not for thee.’ from Corporatism for the Twenty-First Century

‘Corporatism is collectivist; it is a different version of collectivism than socialism but it is definitely collectivist. It places some importance on the fact that private property is not nationalized, but the control through regulation is just as real. It is de facto nationalization without being de jure nationalization.

Although Corporatism is not a familiar concept to the general public, most of the economies of the world are corporatist in nature. The categories of socialist and pure market economy are virtually empty. There are only corporatist economies of various flavors.’ from The Economic System of Corporatism

‘Under crisis conditions, all the forces normally obstructing the development of U.S. corporatism diminish. Since the early twentieth century, in the national emergencies associated with war, economic depression, rapid and accelerating inflation, or large-scale labor disturbances, the national government has responded by adopting policies that consolidate power at the top and extend the scope of its authority. With power more concentrated and more actively employed, the incentive is greater for latent private-interest groups to organize, increase their membership, suppress their internal disputes, and demand a voice in policy-making.’ from Quasi-Corporatism: America’s Homegrown Fascism – Crisis Promotes Political Organization and Bargaining

Limited Hope based on Federalism and Constitutionalism;

‘Because the United States began as a confederation of sovereign states, its Constitution of 1787 gave special status to the representation of sectional interests, distinguishing citizens according to the state government that had jurisdiction over them. The Constitution took no explicit account of the interests associated with various functional economic groups—farmers, sailors, merchants, and so forth. Our system of federalist checks and balances was supposed to solve the problems of rivalrous functional interests by recognizing the police powers of the separate state governments and, within the national government, by establishing three separate but interdependent branches. This plan was intended to frustrate any schemes promoted by economic factions, at least at the national level. For a century and a half the system worked more or less as intended, but it was never completely successful.’ from Crisis and Quasi-Corporatist Policy-Making: The U.S. Case in Historical Perspective

DOJ against Citizens and Civility

As you should be gathering by now, in a crisis corporatism will exhaust itself in taking advantage of power plays. We are seeing the attempt at Complete Federalization of Education through a lobby organization operating without consideration of Constitutionalism. So, what right does the DOJ have coming against parents holding their locally elected accountable for indoctrination of students.

As with the above concepts of Quasi-corporatism in America, if you have not seen enough from the media circus on the DOJ pandering to special interests, I have a few links in the References for you to check out.

More importantly, it is incumbent upon all Citizens to exercise proper civility in challenging the elected. That does not mean that parents should not be emotionally charged over the indoctrination of their children. Citizens in the Founding Era could get quite emotionally charged and they had full clarity of Biblical truth on this from the pulpits too. But again, we stopped teaching what true civility is from the pulpits and the civility of civics in the public square.

In respect to a basic considerations of this topic, I believe that this is a very good read: The Complexity of Civility and Citizenship.

Now to understand civic civility from a Foundational Biblical perspective, go to the References below. I don’t much trust anything other noteworthy person than what I’m giving you at this point. Granted there are others who write on the topic but…. Not as well.

Constitutionalism or Reformation

The answer, if the subtitle was a question is: Reformation in the churches and culture to ensure the understanding and application of Constitutionalism. I’m keeping this simple and reminding you of Madison and John Adams similar statement that ‘This Constitution is ONLY for a moral and religious people.’

Get the Reformation in the churches back to our Founders understanding of ‘Applied Reformation Truth and Principles,’ then Constitutionalism will be able to get back on course. Enough on that for now.

Ohio Constitution Project

I am part of a team developing a course on the Ohio Constitution. This course is as the national project by the Institute On The Constitution to ensure that there is a solid lecture series for each State.

For Ohio, to complete the printing and shooting the videos that will be associated with this course we need to raise $10,000.00 total. We have $1,000.00 in the kitty now so we need to raise $9,000 more. Contact me for the address to the Institute On The Constitution who holds the money in escrow for this effort.

Please see this page for more details on this Ohio and National Progects.

Because you keep asking –



1. Mussolini Quote with background by Dan Casey

2. Quasi-Corporatism: America’s Homegrown Fascism – Crisis Promotes Political Organization and Bargaining, by Robert Higgs, Sunday, January 1, 2006

‘The closest peacetime experiment, under the National Industrial Recovery Act during 1933–35, did not work and was collapsing of its own weight when the Supreme Court put an end to it.’

‘Nevertheless, recent American history has brought forth a multitude of little corporatisms, arrangements within subsectors, industries, or other partial jurisdictions. They have drawn on both national and state government powers.They operate effectively in the defense sector, in many areas of agriculture; in many professional services, such as medicine, dentistry, and hospital care; and in a variety of other areas, such as fishery management and urban redevelopment. These abundant “iron triangles” normally involve well-organized private interest groups; government regulatory, spending, or lending agencies; and the congressional subcommittees charged with policy oversight or appropriations. A political economy in which such arrangements predominate, as they do in the United States, is commonly called interest-group liberalism or neopluralism. (Elsewhere I have followed Charlotte Twight in calling it participatory fascism.) But it might just as well be called disaggregated neocorporatism or quasi-corporatism.’

3. Number of various articles regarding Corporatism – Corporatism describes forms of associational behavior in which organizations are less competitive than in pluralism, and where certain types of interests—especially labor and capital—are status prioritized within the system of interest representation. From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001

3. The Corporatization of America by John Ikerd, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri
I do not agree with a large part of his solutions in the Revolution section of this presentation. He is an environmentalist that I could work with but, he has a number of progressive ideas that just rub my strict Constitutionalism and Reformed Theology with 24 grit sandpaper.
Now I do agree that we need to get back to the Jeffersonian Agriculture Economic Theory of Grow Local and redevelop local control.

4. Corporatism Is An American, Bipartisan Scourge by Saagar Enjeti, December 26, 2019|12:01 Am

5. Anti-Federalist No. 33, Federal Taxation and the Doctrine of Implied Powers (Part II) (Brutus essay No. VI) – 27 December 1787

‘This power, exercised without limitation, will introduce itself into every comer of the city, and country—It will wait upon the ladies at their toilett, and will not leave them in any of their domestic concerns; it will accompany them to the ball, the play, and the assembly; it will go with them when they visit, and will, on all occasions, sit beside them in their carriages, nor will it desert them even at church; it will enter the house of every gentleman, watch over his cellar, wait upon his cook in the kitchen, follow the servants into the parlour, preside over the table, and note down all he eats or drinks; it will attend him to his bed-chamber, and watch him while he sleeps; it will take cognizance of the professional man in his office, or his study; it will watch the merchant in the counting-house, or in his store; it will follow the mechanic to his shop, and in his work, and will haunt him in his family, and in his bed; it will be a constant companion of the industrious farmer in all his labour, it will be with him in the house, and in the field, observe the toil of his hands, and the sweat of his brow; it will penetrate into the most obscure cottage; and finally, it will light upon the head of every person in the United States. To all these different classes of people, and in all these circumstances, in which it will attend them, the language in which it will address them, will be GIVE! GIVE!’

6. Corporatism for the Twenty-First Century by Gladden Pappin – I use the chart in the podcast / video

7. Corporatism Wikipedia contributors. “Corporatism.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2 Oct. 2021. Web. 8 Oct. 2021.

8. The Economic System of Corporatism – San José State University Department of Economics

9. Crisis and Quasi-Corporatist Policy-Making: The U.S. Case in Historical Perspective By Robert Higgs

School Boards vs. Parents

1. Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials and Teachers, from the DOJ

2. Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation. By Jason Delgado, October 5, 2021

3. Yahoo News – I don’t normally look at but this is a nice list of articles starting with: Washington Examiner – Free Speech Threatened: FBI targets school board meetings

4. The Complexity of Civility and Citizenship, By Nayeli L. Riano – October 7, 2021

5. Sen. Hawley, Other Republicans Blast FBI for Targeting Outspoken Parents at School Board Meetings

Trusted commentaries on Civility from a Christian Perspective:

Our Cultural Tongue, Posted on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 by Douglas Wilson

That Decoupaged Chapter, Posted on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 by Douglas Wilson

– ‘The problem with contemporary politics is that people strike at one another according to party interests, and not according to the truth. Wallis is a partisan of the left, saying and doing what will help the Democrat get elected. If civility helps the Dems, he calls for civility. If screeching helps the Dems, he screeches.’ Before the Civility Fairy Twanged Him with a Wand, Posted onFriday, June 27, 2008 by Douglas Wilson

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