Tag Archives: immigration

Episode 391: Federal Register, Immigration, Government Corporations and GAO-J6

See video for Federal Register, Immigration, Government Corporations and GAO-J6 @: RumbleBrighteon  and  YouTube

This week I take you down the rabbit hole of government wonderland1 with the Federal Register to meet at the Pool of Tears with the March 27th rule/regulation on immigration. Then there is theFederal Register Caucus Race of Government Corporations where the Citizenry does loose. Finally we have the Mad Hatter GAO attempting answers regarding the riddle of January 6th, while the Queen of the left and the RINOs are in chorus – demanding the beheading of all who view reality.

Some believe that Lewis Carrol was on drugs when he wrote Alice In Wonderland but the facts of his life prove otherwise. So to it would seem that the bureaucratic state is some fantasy of Alice in Wonderland or the scifi the Matrix. Yet, it is what I have spoken of for year, the foresight and of prophetic reality from the Anti-federalists.

More than their political insights regarding the implementation of the 1787 Constitution, their commentaries were steeped in the sinful nature of humanity. They fully knew that ‘designing men,’ would deconstruct the Liberties fought for during the War of Independence.

Sam Adams wrote this in 1771:

‘If the liberties of America are ever compleatly ruined, of which in my opinion there is now the utmost danger, it will in all probability be the consequence of a mistaken notion of prudence, which leads men to acquiesce in measures of the most destructive tendency for the sake of present ease…’

See the References to follow the rabbit trail and through the looking glass.

Over Regulated, Immigration Gibberish and more

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1-25-2020 Grin and Bare It or Get Your Feet On the Streets!

Grin and Bare It

This week has taken some interesting twist therefore, I am running this program from 2016 that never was posted at SamuelAdamsReturns.net. The message is the same for 2020, either you have to Grin and Bare It or Get Your Feet On the Streets! The 2020 election cycle is critical. Primaries are just over a month away. Then, the Heat is on toward November!

The following is the promo from 2016 and is still relevant today.

Thinking of the 2016 elections and the present election cycle: Staying at the forefront of this weeks events are the differences between keeping the corruption in politics or making an attempt at returning to some direction of leadership and integrity. The deceit regarding a States Right to manage immigration coming out of the demoncrats is completely globalistic and communistic. I talked about immigration and the Rights of the States to reject this forced debacle for almost three weeks in previous programs. Continue reading

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Immigration, Invasion, Insurrection and Constitutionalism

By Tom Niewulis (Alter-ego Samuel Adams)

Issues!  Conspiracy!  Scandals! Deceptions!  Collusion’s!   Immigration!

Through all the blast of the media and the rhetoric of Congress to the standing on solid ground of a partially staffed Administration – not a single soul is talking about what the realities of fact and truth are in functional governance – under actual Constitutionalism.

In preparing for my radio program it became evident again that the emotionalism of all the media completely distorts any ability to get to the heart of the matter – How is our Constitutional Republic Intended to function? Frankly, those in government and even the super self-serving lawyers in Congress don’t understand nor do they want to. They have become so dependent on the donors and lobbyists that they have thrown the concepts of Constitutionalism deep in the sub-basement of the Capital and all the marble bureaucratic buildings in D.C.

How Dare I say this? Simple, I know how to read and reading the Federalist Papers alone gives clear intention (Intent) for how governance should function in the Republic. So before we get to the core issues as indicated by the title let us get one thing very clear: every pundit, talk show host/hostess, politician or bureaucrat that calls this nation a democracy should be heavily chastised, have their ears rung and be thrown out the door for manifesting their ignorance or subversive ideologies. Why? Because we are a Constitutional Republic (period)! If you cannot get that correct then you have no capacity to understand how this nation should function! Continue reading

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1-27-18 To Pastors First then onto Federalists 38 & 39, DACA

I must once again take a few minutes to clarify for some pastors, church leaders and a lot of Christian folk that are not getting a clear message that the Gospel, as in “Sola Scriptura”, lays out the Cultural Mandate summarized very simply by Edmund Burke “’The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ In our Constitutional form of government that means we have a mechanism through which to defeat evil. I reference an article by Douglas Wilson that I believe more clearly explains my position.

My intent is to get to the meat of Federalist 38 and 39 in the context of what is so commonly quoted and discussed – America as a democracy. I call this narrative ‘Faux democracy’. The facts are: that we are a Federated Republic with a democratic component. Madison makes this very clear.

I discuss this in relationship to illegals and their insurgency of lawless actions at the national capital and on private property. They are not citizens and have no right to assemble or protest especially in the manners that they have been doing. I will discuss more in relationship to these Federalist Papers.

With that, As always, remember: The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical!

And because you keep asking!


For today’s program:

  1. A Primer on Theocracies
  2. Federalists #38 and Federalist #39
  3. Promoting my new book: Workbook Two Constitutions  You can read the a portion of the book at this link and reserve a copy too.

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9-10-16 10 Point Immigration Plan Aligns with Original Intent

Well, this week has been full of interesting activities.  The campaigns are coming on strong and the speeches by Trump are staying on message as well as getting more definitive.  The Commander-n-Chief Forum was very interesting. You have to check it out on YouTube for yourself.  Yesterday, we who understand our Foundational Intent, Constitutionalism and True Christianity now are in the new “basket of deplorables.” I wear the badge proudly!

Well, I searched through over 500 documents to come up with this quick analysis. The bottom line is that in every fundamental of the 10 Points on Immigration, they totally align with Founders Original Intent.  Read the complete analysis Here!

Since our media and educational environment have broken with Founders Intent for well informed, moral and virtuous citizens, I begin today by defining Citizenship and the essence of “Popular Sovereignty.” I have to take us through this conceptually so that we could be more fully prepared to discuss the potential problems of aliens in the US, especially illegal aliens.  In my research I was delighted to find almost exact language that is in this conversation in our present history. Even with the more liberally minded Theophilus Parsons having a more open immigration theory, he had a clear commentary regarding immigration and troublesome aliens.

I discuss the difference between a Citizen and a subject. The majorities of those flooding into this nation are subjects and have no concept of what it means to be a true citizen!

Bottom Line for now is that those that want an understanding of Constitutional Citizenship and aliens in reference to Trumps 10 point immigration plan should listen in today.   –  The Founders wanted us to gain knowledge and get involved! Being a Citizen is an Active involvement in our political life!  Let’s get our feet on the street for this time is critical. Continue reading

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