Tag Archives: Christian Nationalism

Episode 435: No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5

See the link for the video of ‘No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

No Truth, No Reason, Hence Conniving Grand Manipulation – Part 5 is the last segment in this series regarding Church and State Theological Polity Muddle. Some of you are wiping your brows with thankful relief that this series is over. Yet, the facts, no, the reality is that Church and State have their theologies muddled (see definitions), which then formulates their polity (see definitions).

No truth No reason

As anyone watching the various forms of programing / media available as well as the masterful grand manipulation of the global masses via the ChicomFlu, it is obvious humanity, especially U. S. Citizens have lost their abilities to know Truth and Reason reality. Across the board people have been manipulated through the polity of government, the state, as well as regarding cultural concerns, manipulated through the polity of the church.

Our present was warned of by Francis Schaeffer in his 1976 book, The Church at the End of the 20th Century.

This week I am melding common themes of the Anti-federalist with the sections from Schaeffer that pointed to our present in such detail that it is no wonder that we are under condemnation. All the cards were laid on the table and the Christians, particularly in the U. S. never took a seat at the table let alone looked at what was laid out.

Opening ‘Comments

Let the Anti-federalist Alfred begin, (my emphasis added in bold underline)

…when I see these things, I cannot be brought to believe that America is in that deplorable ruined condition which some designing politicians represent; or that we are in a state of anarchy beyond redemption, unless we adopt, without any addition or amendment, the new constitution proposed by the late convention; a constitution which, in my humble opinion, contains the seeds and scions of slavery and despotism. When the volume of American constitutions1 [by John Adams] first made its appearance in Europe, we find some of the most eminent political writers of the present age, and the reviewers of literature, full of admiration and declaring they had never before seen so much good sense, freedom, and real wisdom in one publication. Our good friend Dr. [Richard] Price was charmed, and almost prophesied the near approach of the happy days of the millennium. We have lived under these constitutions; and, after the experience of a few years, some among us are ready to trample them under their feet, though they have been esteemed, even by our enemies, as “pearls of great price.”

Let us not, ye lovers of freedom, be rash and hasty. Perhaps the real evils we labor under do not arise from these systems. There may be other causes to which our misfortunes may be properly attributed. Read the American constitutions, and you will find our essential rights and privileges well guarded and secured. May not our manners be the source of our national evils? May not our attachment to foreign trade increase them? Have we not acted imprudently in exporting almost all our gold and silver for foreign luxuries? It is now acknowledged that we have not a sufficient quantity of the precious metals to answer the various purposes of government and commerce; and without a breach of charity, it may be said, that this deficiency arises from the want of public virtue, in preferring private interest to every other consideration.

What I am tying together from this quote to Schaeffer’s book are the points on ‘designing politicians,’ ‘state of anarchy,’ ‘the seeds and scions of slavery and despotism,’ the two bolded/underlined questions as well as the ‘want of public virtue.’

There is a good number of developing points that Schaeffer brings to bear in Chapters 6 (the threat of silence) and Chapter 7 (modern man the manipulator) that are critical to our present and representative of what the Anti-federalists warned concerning ‘designing men or politicians,’ as well as respecting ‘truth.’

I will say it straight out: Our destructive state and national governments and bureaucracies, being as Webster notes, ‘Every branch of our civil polity supports and is supported, regulates and is regulated by the rest.’ are now so entwined as the Gordian Knot, it will take a sword of Reformation and Revival to cut through so that the truth of liberty can make a constitutional republic function again.

The Rest of The Story

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Episode 434: From Commerce to The Christian Republic – Part 4 – Ezra Stiles

See the link for the video of ‘From Commerce to The Christian Republic – Part 4: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

This week in From Commerce to The Christian Republic, Ezra Stiles gives us details ofPart 4 foundational government, government lead by idolaters, deist or Christians. I finish off this part of ‘Church and State Theological Polity Muddle, by ending Dr. Stiles sermon in which he gives a deep study regarding international history and the great potential positive effects of the full extensibility of Christianity in every aspect of governance. Most Christians or pastors have never heard of any of this.

I am opening this program with a question form a listener and Board Member regarding the third Segment of Episode 429. As it turns out, this is a perfect segue into this weeks program regarding the second section that Stiles is emphasizing, The Christian Republic. Yes, this sermon is a detailed account of American and international history regarding what we now hear as ‘Christian Nationalism.’

Before I get into the opening, It is most important that you hear from the Editor of ‘Pulpits Of The Revolution.’ Dr. Thornton, in his 1876 Preface states:

THE true alliance between Politics and Religion is the lesson inculcated in this volume of Sermons, and apparent in its title, “THE PULPIT OF THE REVOLUTION.” It is the voice of the Fathers of the Republic, enforced by their example. They invoked God in their civil assemblies, called upon their chosen teachers of religion for counsel from the Bible, and recognized its precepts as the law of their public conduct. The Fathers did not divorce politics and religion, but they denounced the separation as ungodly. They prepared for the struggle, and went into battle, not as soldiers of fortune, but, like Cromwell and the soldiers of the Commonwealth, with the Word of God in their hearts, and trusting in him. This was the secret of that moral energy which sustained the Republic in its material weakness against superior numbers, and discipline, and all the power of England. To these Sermons – the responses from the Pulpit – the State affixed its imprimatur, and thus they were handed down to future generations with a two-fold claim to respect.

Therefore, in our Founding Era Christian principled leadership prevailed. Now, at best, deist humanism prevails, even with the Evangelicals in politics, bureaucracies, judiciary and business.

I wonder, how many pulpits are really full of deist1 masquerading as Evangelicals? Worse, for the most part, modern pulpits are not even a clouded remote reflection of the comments by Dr. Thornton regarding ‘The Pulpit Of The Revolution.

Opening ‘Comments

Continuing with the Referenced Sermon pdf, starting on page 19 and then after detailing the economic value, growth and abilities of the newly formed States, Stiles goes on to give great homage to George Washington and other foundational leaders, including Samuel Adams. He even gives details on American inventions and inventors.

Then, as Dr. Stiles moves into Section II of the sermon, he sets the presupposition for the best form of government, that is even beneficial for secularists. He knows the unregenerate human heart and mind in governing as with: Continue reading

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Episode 433: Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle – Ezra Stiles

See the link for the video of ‘Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle’ at Rumble or YouTube 

This week in Nationalism – Part 3: Church and State Theological Polity Muddle, Ezra Stiles gives us details of foundational Nationalism, I might add Christian to the to that. Stiles gives a deep study regarding national and international history that most have never heard.Nationalism

Yes, nations are judged as we are in this present time. Stiles lays this out with clear understanding.

Through Stiles we will cover the plight of the illegals rapacious flooding of our borders with historical context of enslaved people moving from one set of masters to another. In this 1783 sermon, I also cover the very tip of the iceberg for the Biblical foundation of ‘Just War Theory / Theology.’

And for this week, I am only covering the first twenty pages of the fifty-three page sermon. Therefore, I will be ending where it really begins to highlight A Nation elevated to Glory and Honor.

I have to speedily take you into all that Stiles introduced in these first twenty pages. There is historical significance you will not get anywhere else, and yes, pastors never get this unless they have a heart and mind to understand the full extensibility of God’s sovereignty.

Opening Comments

A quote from the sermon for you to chew on and then a bit of a bio on Rev. Ezra Stiles. Continue reading

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Episode 393: Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist

Watch the video of Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist — Interview with Author Gordon Dakota Arnold: on Rumble, Brighteon or YouTube

Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist – Interview with Gordon Dakota Arnold

On this program, Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist, be readyMadison, Locke, Voltaire secularism to have your idealisms of Madison crushed. My interview with author, Phd candidate and Assistant Professor of Politics, Gordon Dakota (Koty) Arnold will bring to light facts about Madison that set me afire.

If you really are interested in why secular politics is as it is in our present, then you must examine Madison the same way that Koty does. Not only did I learn from the article that Koty wrote (see reference #1) about Madison being more dangerous to religious liberty than Jefferson but I researched his research on my own. Koty is absolutely correct in his conclusions that Madison –

‘James Madison did not envision that America was or ever could be in any sense a Christian nation, but he instead believed that it was a fundamentally secular republic. He saw the nation as a composite of individuals of distinct religious traditions, and he believed, as a devoted student of John Locke, that the aims of the state were concerned only with the preservation of property rights. “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort,” Madison avowed, “as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals… This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.”53 At best, Madison sees Christianity as a religion that perhaps provides a useful moral and ethical system for individuals to order their private lives around, but he does not believe that it provides any meaningful guidance about politics or society. If Madison is to be believed in his “Memorial” and his “Detached Memoranda,” God does not concern himself with the actions of political communities because, if He exists at all, He is only interested in the individual’s inner spiritual life…’

But before I continue down the path of Madison’s intent to destroy Christian involvement in all spheres of public life, let me share this from Madison’s professor at Princeton, Rev. John Witherspoon:

‘There is not a greater evidence either of the reality or the power of religion, than a firm belief of God’s universal presence, and a constant attention to the influence and operation of his providence. It is by this means that the Christian may be said, in the emphatical scripture language, “to walk with God, and to endure as seeing him who is invisible.”’ – 1776 Sermon, Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men

And when you get to the last segment of the program, Koty and I finalize that Madison was intent on the secularization of politics and education. With that, he want what we have in our present regarding the condition of Christianity –

‘…Madison preferred that the church be characterized by disarray, discord, and faction. Only then would Christianity fail to mobilize itself as a political force, and only then would the natural rights of individuals be safe from a majority faction…’

In my words, Madison was against any form of Christian Nationalism.

Was Madison the ‘Father of the Constitution?’

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Episode 381: Year End Assessment and What Next

Year End Assessment Video at Rumble or YouTube  

My Year End Assessment is totally free forms. I have limited the notes here to highlights ofJanuary 6th Not what History Proves programs I have done over these 52 weeks of programing. Yet, generally speaking, I am focussing on the theme of Political Theology for this week.

Before I go further, there have been a couple individuals who have been faithful financial supporters of the program, as well as, a couple others that joined in with one time gifts. A warm Thank You.

Now, Let me summarize the past year and the one going forward:

Everything is theological. The question is what theology as ascribed to what god?

Murder Before Your EyesWith my summarization, I want to re-quote what I mentioned in the Christmas greeting from a Rev. Jasper Adams:

‘We find by examining its (Christianity’s) history, that, in rude ages, its influence has softened the savage and civilized the barbarian; while in polished ages and communities, it has accomplished the no less important end of communicating and preserving the moral and religious principle, which, among a cultivated people, is in peculiar danger of being extinguished amid the refinements, the gaiety, and the frivolous amusements incident to such a state of society.’ – 1833

As I always say: The Anti-federalists Got It Right, and they clearly predicted our present especially in their full understanding of the ramifications of those American sons of the enlightenment who argued for the Constitution of 1787. The Anti-federalists expected the pulpits to hold true to Christian Orthodoxy but knew full well that the humanism of the enlightenment and the theological shift to Universalism and Unitarianism would be the demise of Constitutionalism. (see Political Theology Part 1 and Demoncrat Convulsion – A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants)

Snapshots of the year in review:

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Episode 379: De Tocqueville On Christian Nationalism

De Tocqueville On Christian NationalismDe Tocqueville on Christian Nationalism

Video of De Tocqueville On Christian Nationalism at Rumble or YouTube

In so many ways, ‘Democracy in America was clearly De Tocqueville’s views regarding the principles of America and he makes many references to what many are debating what is called Christian Nationalism. For me, there is no debate but only ignorance of our history and a corruption of theology.

Keep It Simple

Read De Tocqueville for yourself but to help you this week I will begin with this De Tocqueville quote from Book 1, Chapter 2:

‘It must not be imagined that the piety of the Puritans was of a merely speculative kind, or that it took no cognizance of the course of worldly affairs. Puritanism, as I have already remarked, was scarcely less a political than a religious doctrine. No sooner had the emigrants landed on the barren coast described by Nathaniel Morton than it was their first care to constitute a society, by passing the following Act:

“In the name of God. Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, etc., etc., Having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian Faith, and the honour of our King and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; Do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid: and by virtue hereof do enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony: unto which we promise all due submission and obedience,” etc.

Foundational Principle of Christian Nationalism

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Episode 369: Economics 101 in Christian Nationalism

Video available at Rumble or YouTube.

Economics 101 in Christian Nationalism is not in the sphere of conversation for most individualsEconomics_101_Christian_Nationalism who call themselves Christians. How can a Christian think about or react to the nuances of economics? Well, in the 20th and now the 21st centuries, it has been what the experts from major institutions or think tanks have to say?

Constitution Economics Chair

A number of years ago I was the Chairperson of the Constitutional Economics group in a small think tank. My challenge was to look at U. S. economics from a foundational and Constitutional perspective. This required more than understanding the historical theories of 18th Century economics. This required looking at the personal lives of the various Founders from the pre-revolution period through the ratification of the Constitution and into the first fifty years of the Constitution being in effect.

The intent of this Constitutional Economics group was to compare modern economic policy to that which demanded the Constitutional Convention from the Annapolis Convention of 1786. With the development of a new nation, the mechanisms of commerce were critical not only at the States inter-relational needs but also from a local to international inter-relational needs.

One consideration that was already a failure at the inception of our new nation is what I missed at as a member of that think tank: What was a Biblical view of economics? Although there was much pulpit peaching and discussions considering the question of ‘what was Liberty?’ – very little has been paid attention to the moral questions surrounding economics and business in general. Continue reading

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Episode 368: Christian Nationalism 7.0

Video for Christian Nationalism 7.0 at Rumble and YouTube 

Many articles and references have been showing up in my email regarding Christian Nationalism. IChristian Nationalism7.0 thought the article by John D. Wilsey titled ‘The Many Faces of Christian Nationalism’ is a nice walk through history on this area of Political Theology.

I titled this program Christian Nationalism 7.0 in consideration of the seven distinct sections that are time stamps in the American story of Christianity being the influencer in governing the nation as well as the source of Patriotism – love of country.

I do a quick analysis of the paper by Wilsey. I have two areas where I have some disagreement with him. Those being his analysis of Lincolnian Unionism and Wilsonian Idealism. I do not consider either of these to be representative of positive eras of Christian Nationalism but more of the sort that used Christian references to justify their progressivism. This is especially true with Woodrow Wilson and his side kick John Foster Dulles.

Italy – A Return to Christian Nationalism?

Just a side note, If you want to hear Christian Nationalism bubbling, go and read the speeches of the new Italian Prime Minister. She nails it. See the analysis by Doug Wilson and Tucker Carlson.

1800’s observer on Christian Nationalism

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Episode 366: Reviewing Doug Wilson’s Primer on Christian Nationalism From the Mirrors of History

In preparation for this week, I was rereading ‘The Pulpit Of The American Revolution: Or, The Sermons Of The Period Of 1776, With A Historical Introduction, Notes, And Illustrations. By John Wingate Thornton, A.M.,’ and the Vlog of DougChristian Nationalism Wilson’s Primer on Christian Nationalism popped up on my video feed. Well, this really got my hair curled as I listened to Pastor Wilson echo the words of John Wingate Thornton’s Preface and Introduction to his work on these founding sermons.

I do not intend to do a frame by frame review of Doug Wilson’s Primer on Christian Nationalism but I do intend to take you through the mirrors of history regarding those reflections of then for the solutions of our present. I do expect that you shall review the Vlog of the Primer on Christian Nationalism after either listening to this programs podcast or watching the video.

Confessions and the Loss Guidance of Continuity

I had to take a short moment to comment on the references that were made in the Primer on Christian Nationalism regarding the American changes in the Westminster Confession. What I can attest to from having participated in various denominations, including charismatic ones, is that there is a loss of guiding continuity in what was Christian participation in government.

To me, after a deep study of the Reformation, the comparison of the Westminster Confession by Pastor Wilson hits the nail on the head for bureaucrats and elected persons at any level of government. The following is what I believe is a very important, the missing principles that once were inculcated in our Founding era where in the Westminster Confession. For the greater part of modern Christianity — This is not taught or for that matter, any of the foundational Confessions are not taught. Continue reading

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8-17-19 Samuel Langdon – Government Corrupted By Vice (1775)

Government Corrupted by Vice: Classmates

Samuel Langdon’s sermon Government Corrupted By Vice should be preached this very week. Sadly there are but very few in our modern times who have the courage or Orthodox Theology of a Samuel Langdon. Additionally, there is not the political, cultural support of a Johnathan Belcher to encourage such sermons.

No, instead of delivering Government Corrupted By Vice, the likes of leftists denominations in the National Council of Churches and those influential pastors in the Gospel Coalition are intent of accepting the national religion of ‘humanism’. The majority of the pulpits are reminiscent of the Tory pulpits during the Revolution. Continue reading

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